You are in [Places] [Other Roads in Hungerford] [Cow Lane (Park Street)]
In the 15th century modern Park Street was called Newbury Street. By 1576 the name Cow Lane was used until 1854, the new name presumably a result of Hungerford Park house being rebuilt by John Willes in 1850. [Baptisms still record the name Cow Lane until 21 Apr 1854. Documents relating to the new workhouse mention Park Street in 1854.]
There follows a set of miscellaneous notes made by Norman Hidden on property in Cow Lane:
Bailiff's Account 1430/1: John Smith 4d. new rent for a vacant place for 1 stall for his life and that of his wife Agnes "opposite the Rectory there" (ex opporto ten rec(?) ibm.) To 'face' the rectory tenement this would have to be on the north corner of Cow Lane: on the south corner were two rectorial tenements, one of them always assessed as a shop also. This is clearly the market place position and a very good one. It was also close to the Swan where in 1420 widow Joanna Smyght held a ½ burg and a ¼ burg although this may not be the same site as the stall.
Bailiff's Account 1433/4 (SC6/749/20): £10 8s. 0. rent of a half-burg and "aliqua firma 1 parcell ter' nup. venell voc Newbury Street p. pro. claus tenem qd. Alicia de Streatche de dno. tenet"
Bailiffs Account 1435/6 (SC6/749/21): "1 parcell terr. iuxta venell voc Newbury Street" for a close held by Alicia Streatche lying vacant and unenclosed in which piece of land once was a dove cot which now is totally decayed.
Receiver General's Account 1448/9 ISC6/1119/12): Elimos Dni. "in elimos dom. pauperi existens apud Hungerford" at 4d per week totalling 17s. 4d. per annum.
1576: Cow Lane was the name used in deposition of George Tuggy dated 1576 (E178/2848)
1609: In a fragment of a Survey at the Berks Record Office Article 9: "The Jury doth present that there are 17 cottages built up by the consent of the townsmen of Hungerford in a lane called Cow Lane and in other places of Sandon Fee with the consent also of the fee by the King's Majesty and one common, 11 other cottages for the relief of poor, lame and impotent people". This entry also appears in the 1607 Survey.
1614: Hocktide Court Book. Humfry Watkins claimed (pro Thomas Sare) 1 acre land in the Breach abutting on Cow Lane, late the land of Thomas Watkins.
1834 (Berks RO: D/ELm 16) Abstract of Title of Mr Thomas Mills to a freehold messuage, yard, garden in Cow Lane (same property as in T3 q.v.).
Same extracts on the whole including extra information such as the certificate of burial of John Pearce of Chilcomb, Hants and Ann his wife (1805) up to Michaelmas Term 53Geo.III ( 1812).
Then: 28 & 29 September 1814: Indenture between John Pearce, the son and Thomas Mills of Barton, Bedford, linen draper, reciting that John Pearce had erected a cottage on part of the said close and inclosed in, from and part of such close, a garden to go with and belong thereunto. Mills contracted for absolute purchase of the cottage and garden for £210. The cottage was then or late in the occupation of Mr Richard Dear or under tenants, then of the said Mills.
25 & 26 February 1829: Between (1) Thomas Mills and Ann his wife; (2) John Matthews of Hungerford, gent; (3) Mary Smith of Hungerford spinster. Thomas Mills had borrowed £200 of Mary Smith on security of the house.
Hilary Term 10 Geo.IV: indenture of Fine between Mary Smith plaintiff and Thomas Mills and Ann his wife, defendants: 2 messuages, 2 stables, 2 curtilages, 2 gardens with appurtenances in Hungerford.
In Sep 2018 Howard's Pet Care shop was sold by David Steffe to Suzanne Viscal. See "Pet shop treats for visitors", NWN 27 Sep 2018.
Humphries Stonemasons:
A stonemason's firm that started in the early 1970s.
If you can add to this story, please
Photo Gallery:

Water flooding down Fairview Road into Park Street, undated. Note the lad sitting on a chair, fishing in the torrent of water!
- 28 Park Street, c1955-57 (from Ruth Cooper, 2008).
- 28 Park Street, c1955-57 (from Ruth Cooper, 2008).
- Rossmore, Park Street [A Parsons].
- Rossmore, Park Street [A Parsons].
- Oakes Bros, Park Street, before redevelopment, c.1975 (from Colin Honeybone).
- Demolishing Oakes, May 2000 [Ivor Speed].
- Developing Williams Court, 2 Oct 2000 [Ivor Speed].
- 15 and 14 Park Street, Oct 1995 [Ivor Speed].
- Water flooding down Fairview Road into Park Street, undated. Note the lad sitting on a chair, fishing in the torrent of water!
See also:
- "Trip down memory lane for John Lewis founder", NWN 12 Aug 2021.