You are in [Places] [High Street Properties] [104 High Street]
[-->103 High Street] [-->105-106 High Street]
Earliest information: 1470
Original estate: Hungerford
Common Rights? Yes (Frontage 38ft; 2 horses or 4 cows)
Date of current building: Early 19th century
Listed: Grade II
Thumbnail History:
Quit rent 6d. Bodycote & Capper -> Ball (Bullicote) -> Turner -> Bell -> Chaffin -> Simmons -> Child -> Killick -> Cole -> Alexander -> Gow -> Bagnall -> Moreton -> Barr-Hamilton -> Kennedy (Waring-Smith) -> Gay -> Bruce -> Bullock -> Crawley -> Granville -> Jackson
Description of property:
From Listed Building records: House. Early 19th century. Tiled roof with three flat-topped dormers and bracketed eaves. Red brick, band at first floor, plinth. Two storeys and attic. Symmetrical façade. Central, narrow glazing bar sash flanked by tripartite sashes, plain square central portico with square columns, 6-panel bolection moulded door.
Photo Gallery:
- 104 High Street, February 2007.
- 104 High Street, 27th February 2021.
c.1470 (NH) In c.1470 there were two tenements (½ burgage and ¼ burgage) belonging to John Bodycote and William Capper; they paid a joint quit rent of 6d.
1552 (NH) In 1552 (Town survey, b.3) the freehold was held as two tenements by John Ball and are described as 1 tenement "late in tenure of Robert Balle (Ball)" and 1 tenement "late in tenure of John Bullicote" together with 1 acre of land, quit rent 6d. Bullicote may be suspected to be a transcription error for John Bodycote. The "late" Robert Ball was John Ball's father. In February 1567 "old Father Balle" died aged 4 score years. These two tenements lay between tenements north and south of the Holy Trinity.
We know that this was John Ball because he made a will a few days before his death, in which he describes himself as a smith, and he left all the working tools in his shop to his sons William and Robert. It is clear that, as with most others in the High Street, his house was also used as his shop. Since the house was divided into two tenements, it would be easily possible for both his sons, William and Robert, to continue the business in partnership, each with his own tenement. His other sons were Richard and Anthony (died 1585), and Richard set up as a weaver; this is why, although probably the eldest, the smith's shop did not descend to him. The house, garden and orchard were to go to his wife Agnes, and after her death to Richard. In the event of Richard's death (which occurred in Jan 1578), it should go to John's next heir then surviving. In the event Agnes did not die until 1590.
Dean of Sarum Will: 13th February 1566/7. I, John Ball, smith,
To reparations of parish:
All working toles in my shop to son William Ball, and to son Robert Ball
Son, Tomas, ½ profit of shop for 3 years, with William. After that Robert to have ½ with William.
I will and bynde Richard my son, to pay 5s until son Anthony come of age (21), paid yearly to wife Agnes to use of Anthony. After decease of Agnes, house, garden and orchard, to Richard; If Richard dies, then to next heir of himself (John Ball)
Agnes, executrix.
Son-in-law Thomas White and wife and children shall have house rome in said house for 1 yr after decease.
Brothers-in-law Thomas Peny and Richard Peny.
Thomas Watkyns and Stephen Whitenton, my loving neighbour, as overseers.
In presence of Robert Sawte (?Swaite, ?Savyte?), Jeffery Fowler, John Potter and Edwarde Browker.
John Ball was indebted to Henry Edes in some 33 sh and Richard Ball, son, should content this or else that his exec. Should sell one parcel of his house which he bought in fee simple.
John's will instructed that his son-in-law Thomas White together with Thomas's wife and children should have "house room" in the house for one year after his decease. There is also a note that John Ball was indebted to Henry Edes for 33 shillings and Richard Ball was instructed to pay this "or else that his executrix (wife Agnes) should sell one parcel of his house which he bought in fee simple". Henry Edes was collector of rents from the properties of the former Chantry and it seems that this house or one tenement of it had been one of the Chantry properties. Most of these were rented at that date at 6s 8d or 8s p.a. so that a debt of 33 shillings was a substantial sum and might represent 5 years back rent.
1573 (NH) The next town survey took place in 1573 and we do not find the name of the Ball family in it. [I suspect an error of omission, either in the document H/M5 or in my transcription of it – to be checked at Berks RO]. Instead, we have Thomas White occupying a tenement on what seems to be a nearby site by indenture of lease from Henry Edes, part of the former chantry possessions. The quit rent, however, is only 4d and there is no record of an adjoining second tenement. Ah! This Thomas White is in a property with QR=4d only - ?nearby?
Thomas White, alias Merrie, died in 1585, and so the property may have reverted after the death in 1590 of Agnes Ball (who may well have been living with the White's) but in 1591 two tenements together (quit rent 6d, as in 1552 and previously) are held by John Welch "in the right of the heirs of Richard Ball".
John Welch, like Richard Ball, was a weaver and after Richard had died (in 1578) he married (in 1587) Richard's widow, Alice, acquiring thereby as stepsons. John and Thomas, "heirs of Richard Ball".
1606 & 1609 (NH) In 1606 and 1609 the two tenements were held as the freehold of John Ball the weaver. Three houses up the hill the chantry tenement held in 1573 by Thomas White was held by John Ball the joiner. In nearly all documents of the time these two men are described thus "the weaver" or "the joiner" – a useful way of distinguishing them to their contempories but not so easy for those of us nearly four centuries later! Because Richard Ball the weaver had a son John, we may guess that this son was "John Ball the weaver".
[John Ball the joiner was born in 1554 (deposition PRO C21/114/15 dated 1624). John Ball the joiner had a son also named John baptised in 1592]
This freehold property, descending through the line of Richard Ball gave its owner standing as a commoner (unlike the leasehold chantry tenement occupied by John Ball the joiner). Thus weaver John Ball's name occurs in the earliest extant list of freeholders entered in the Hocktide Court Book in the year 1600.
1638 (NH) John Ball, the weaver, continues in successive lists until 1638 when he is succeeded by his son and heir, the John Ball, son of John Ball the weaver, who was baptised in 1606.
1638 (NH) John Ball the weaver's son, John Ball (born 1606) succeeds.
The new John Ball continues to hold the property, his name as freeholder appearing in the Hocktide Court Book lists (e.g. 1652).
1669 (NH) In 1669 it is John Ball junior. [Isaac Ball, possibly a relative, was a cordwainer, - inventory 1699]
1676 (NH) But he is not in the list for 1676. Similarly his name does not appear in the 1676 town rental, but the house is occupied by Thomas Turner.
1677 (NH) A town deed of 1677 informs us that Thomas Turner was a maltster.
1733 (NH Sun Fire Insurance) House and malthouse in occupation of Wm. New. ?position in the High Street?
1753-61 (QR) Essex Bell for house and malthouse, q.r. 6d. [Richard Bell, possibly an old relative, had been a tanner – inventory 1699]
1768 (NH - Berks Poll Book) Jn. Chaffin of Ramsbury, freeholder in Hungerford with a messuage and land, occupied by Thomas Hidden.
1774-1790 (QR) John Simmons for house and malthouse late Chaffin's, q.r. 6d.
1781 (CL) John Symmonds
1783 Three dated (scratched) bricks on front elevation: "17?? W+S"; "1783 E+S"; 1783 E+S".
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1795-1804 (QR) Mary Simmons for house and malthouse late Chaffin's, q.r. 6d.
1805-17 (QR) Mary Simmons (amended to Elizabeth Simmons, amended to Charles Child) for for house and malthouse late Chaffin's, q.r. 6d .
1807 (CL) Widow Simmonds
1816 (DD) Charles Child (Reading) married Elizabeth Webb (Hungerford) at Hungerford. They had two children - Charles Child jnr. and Mary Child, who married James Watts Brown. Mary and James Brown had a son James Charles Brown. Charles Child Snr died in 1831.
Property was then held in trust by family, i.e. Charles Child jnr, and James Charles Brown.
1818-23 (QR) Charles Child for house and malthouse late Chaffin's, q.r. 6d.
1819 (EA) Un-named
1832 (QR) Elizabeth Child for house and malthouse late Charles Child's, q.r. 6d
1836 (QR) Elizabeth Child for house and malthouse late Charles Child's, q.r. 6d
1847 (CL)
1851 (CS) ?Ann Lidderdale (72), military officer's widow
1861 (CL)
10.5.1873 Charles Child jnr, and J.C. Brown wished to sell the properties, then comprising 103,104,105, including the land up to Fairview Road. Mentioned on this indenture are:
- Charles Child, Gent, Vernham.
- James Charles Child, Ironmonger, Shepton Mallett,
- Joseph Child, Gent, Henley,
- Emma Child, spinster,
- Charles Crook, chemist, Hungerford.
The property was divided for sale into four lots:
- North side (ie 105) sold to Mr. Perry,
- South side (ie 103) sold to Edward Buckeridge,
- Top end of garden of 104 and 103 sold to Harry Pike Major, and
- Remainder (ie 104 including malthouse) sold to Rev'd John Killick, minister, Stroud. He must have died between 1873 and 1920, (see entries for 1873-1920 below).
1873 Rev. Killick
1896 (CL) Trustees of Seline Charlotte Terry-Thomas (own); Homer Killick (occ)
1902 (T&M Register) Heiresses of Selena Charlotte Terry (owners)
1903 (T&M Register) Thomas Homer Killick (occupier until 1907)
1909 (T&M Register) Frederick Froude (occupier until ?1911)
1912 (T&M Register) Robert Cole (occupier until 1923; void 1924-25)
1914 (CL) ??Trustees of Seline Charlotte Terry (own); Robert Cole (occ)
1920 Lilian Caroline Gertrude Killick, of Guernsey, his grand-daughter, sold 104 to Robert Cole, Corn Merchant (of Town Mill). It was now known as 'Ingatorp'.
1924 Cole now bankrupt, and 104 sold to Joseph Roy Alexander for £660.
1924 Alexander sold 103,104,105,106 to Norman Gow, company director, of 38 Glenville Rd, Hampstead.
1926 (T&M Register) Norman Gow (owner, & occupier until ?1936))
c.1932 (QR #30) Mr. Gow (Inglethorpe) for "House and Malthouse formerly Chaffins then Elizabeth Child", q.r. 6d.
1937 (T&M Register) Charles Frederick Rex Bagnall (occupier)
1939 (BL) C.F.R. Bagnall, "Ingatorp", South Berks Conservative agent
1946-53 Adrian Morton rented 104 for £7 per annum.
1947 (CL) (Dr) Adrian Leonard Moreton
1952 (CL) Adrian Leonard Moreton
Basil Barr-Hamilton, 1953-1960:
1953 Edith Hoskins Gow, widow, sold 103 and 104 to Basil Francis William Barr-Hamilton.
1956 (CL) Basil Francis William Barr-Hamilton
Mrs Becky Kennedy, for Bruce & Portia Waring-Smith, 1960-1978:
1960 Diana Barr-Hamilton (nee Pinckney, sister to Anne Gresham-Cooke and Betty McCubbin), widow, sold 104 to Mrs. Helen Kennedy, wife of Dr. Robert Kennedy. Occupied by her parents, Bruce and Portia Waring-Smith.
Undated (T&M Register) Bruce Waring-Smith (owners until1969)
1960 Bruce Waring-Smith
1963-1976 (CL) Bruce Waring-Smith
1970 (T&M Register) David Waring-Smith (owner until 1972)
1973 (T&M Register) Bruce Waring-Smith (owner until 1975)
Undated (T&M Register) Bruce Waring-Smith (occupier until 1975)
1976 (T&M Register) Olive Waring-Smith (occupier until 1977; void 1978)
1978 (T&M Register) Helen Rebecca Kennedy (owner until 1978)
Eric & Jucy Gay, 1978-1984:
Sep 1978 Mrs. Kennedy sold to Eric and Judy Gay.
- Name changed from Ingatorp to 'The Burrows'
- Second staircase removed, and back sitting-room extended. No record of when the malthouse was demolished.
1978-1983 (CL) Eric Gay
1979 (T&M Register) Eric Gay (occupier)
1984 (CL) Eric Gay
David & Louise Bruce, 1984-c1988:
1984 Gays sold to David & Louise Bruce (from London). Gays moved to Salisbury Road (home of Roger King).
1985 (CL) Alexander David Michael Bruce
Peter & Gwyneth Bullock, c1988-1996:
In 1993 Peter & Gwyneth Bullock (1996 moved to Sanden Close).
1996 ?
Belinda Crawley, c1996-c2005:
2000 (CL) Belinda Jane Crawley
Bevil Granville, c2005-2014:
2005 (CL) Bevil Granville
2011 (CL) Bevil Granville
2012 Now known as "Lansdown House"
Jacksons, 2014-present:
2014 General Sir Mike Jackson, and his wife, Sarah.
2016 (CL) Sarah Jackson
2024 General Sir Mike Jackson died 15th October 2024.