You are in [Places] [High Street Properties] [5 High Street]
[-->3&4 High Street] [-->6 High Street]
Original estate: ?Hungerford
Earliest records: <1470
Date of building: ?Mid 18th century
Grade II listed
Commoner's Rights: Yes (75ft + 11ft = 86ft; 4 horses or 8 cows)
Thumbnail History:
Mid 18th century building, associated since the mid 19th century with a succession of drapers.
Description of property:
From Listed Building records: House, now house and shop. Mid 18th century, altered in early 19th century. Tiled roof, end chimney to left and central chimney, flank wall flint with brick bands; front wall rough cast with eaves cornice and moulded band at second floor (former eaves) level. Three storeys. Three small glazing bar sashes at second floor, two tripartite glazing bar sashes alternating with narrow blank recesses to left, five glazing bar sashes to right, ground floor has plain shop window to left, six-panel door with flat hood on cut bracket. Two late 19th century shop fronts with deep fascias and moulded cornices.
Photo Gallery:
![19841200 Dopson's closing down sale-01 [Ivor Speed]]( Dopson's closing down sale-01 [Ivor Speed].jpg)
Dopson's closing down sale, Dec 1984 [Ivor Speed].
- Higgs' drapers, c1895 [hsl-23].
- Tyler's, 5 High Street, c1912 [hsl-24].
- Tyler & Banyard, 5 High Street, c1938 [hsl-30].
- Dopson's, c1976 [LHS-103].
- Dopson's, Dec 1984. (From Robert James) [19841200 dopsons].
- Dopson's closing down sale, December 1984 [Ivor Speed].
- MG Dods and Althea's, January 1987.
- Coach and horses outside Dopson's, 5 High Street, c.1984.
- 5 High Street, January 2007. (R-L) Un-named, Forget-me-not and M G Dods. [p1280826].
- 5 High Street, April 2013. (R-L) Vacant, Hungerford Haberdashery, M G Dods [img_2972]
Please note that ownership prior to 1774 is hard to confirm.
<1470 (NH) Richard Boucher
1470 (NH) William Boucher
1552 (NH) Thomas Clydesdale als Hidden
1558 (NH) Nicholas Passion, clothier
1573 (NH) Nicholas Passion
1591 (NH) Edward Passion
1599 (NH) William Passion
1600 (NH) Nicholas Passion
1619 (NH) Thomas Noon als Pearse
1646 (NH) Thomas Smith
1649 (NH) Nicholas Burch
1676 (NH) Thomas Butler
1753 (QR) Thomas Goodlake, q.r. 1s.
1774 (QR) Thomas Goodlake deleted, George Church inserted.
1771 (CL) George Church by position on Commoners' List.
1775 (17 Nov.) Geo. Church insured with Royal Exchange Ass (vol 2 no.66575_) — see details for large insurance on goods.
1781 (CL) George Church (Constable in 1769).
1782 Further insurance by George Church (vol 6 no. 83815). Is it the same building?
1795 (QR) George Church
1805 John Brown
1807 (CL) John Brown (Constable in 1805). (Robert Lye next door, 6 HS).
1818 John Brown deleted, Richard Lye inserted.
1819 (EA) Browns. (4th plot south from canal)
1832 (QR) Richard Lye for house late George Church, q.r. 1s 0d.
1836 (QR) Richard Lye for house late George Church, q.r. 1s 0d.
1841 (CS) J.T.Gray (29) Draper. (Also Richard Lye (25) Draper in 6 HS)
1843 (CL) Joseph Townsend Gray. (Richard Lye in 6 HS).
1847 (CL) Richard Lye (owner) (own & occ 6HS) Joseph Townsend Gray (occ). Constable 1846-47.
1851 (CS) J.T. Gray (39), Draper. (CS) ?Fanny Westall (81) Formerly postmaster. [John (or Joseph) Westall was postmaster 1809-1835; S. Westall was postmaster 1835-1836]
1861 (CS) Joseph Gray (45), Linen Draper.
1861 (CL) Mrs. Mather (own) – (but NOT 6HS) J. Gray (occ)
1871 (CS) Mary Gray (59) Draper & Milliner
1881 (CS) Henry Barrett (41) Draper
1891 (KD) Joseph Stuart Higgs, draper.
1895 (KD) Joseph Stuart Higgs, draper.
1895? Photograph shows Higgs at No. 5.
1896 (CL) Mrs. Mather (own) & 6HS John Spenley Tyler (occ)
1902 (T&M Register) Heir of Richard Lye (owner); John Spendley Tyler (occupier). Unsure of date when John Tyler bought property.
1912 (*2) Shows S. end of property as house. N. side with shop window
1914 (CL) Miss & Mrs. Breese Mather (own) & 6HS (=W.H.Smith) John Spenley Tyler (occ)
1919 (*1) Mr. Banyard to 5H/S, outfitters. Mr. Tyler, already there, N. side, Draper
(*4) Mr. Tyler, Constable in 1921. Died 1922 in office. Mrs Tyler became owner.
1922 (T&M Register) Ada Althea Banyard (nee Tyler) (owner & occupier)
1932 (QR) Mrs Tyler for "House formerly G. Church's afterwards R. Lye then Miss Mary Lye", q.r. 1s 0d.
1935 (*4) Henry Barr's house built, 5a H/S with garden, later became yard. Later lock-up garages.
1935 (T&M Register) Edgar Alfred Connett (occupier)
1935 (*4) Ernest William Dopson came to 5H/S from Sussex. (occ). Owned by Mrs. Tyler
1936 (T&M Register) Ernest William Dopson (occupier)
1937 (*1) Ernest William Dopson bought 127 H/S. Ran both shops, with sons GRD and HED.
1939 (Blacket's) E.W. Dopson, draper and gentlemen's outfitters.
A.E. Banyard, lock-up garages (off High Street)
5a: H.W. Barr (off High Street)
1947 (CL) Ernest William Dopson – outfitter.
The NWN of 2 Feb 1950 reported "Following an announcement in the window that nylons - the word that spells magic to women - would be on sale at 11am, a queue started to gather outside E W Dopson's shop at Hungerford at 9.45 on Tuesday. By 11am there were 50 in the queue. Sixty pairs were on sale and 20 latecomers left the shop disappointed."
1950 (*1) EWD died.
1952 (CL) Geoffrey Raymond Dopson – outfitter.
1956 (CL) Hubert Frank Dopson – outfitter.
1958 (*4) Mrs Althea Barr (own)
1963 (CL) Hubert Frank Dopson – outfitter
1968 (CL) –do-
1968 (T&M Register) Ada Banyard died. Personal Representatives of Ada Althea Banyard deceased (owners until 1976)
1968 (*1) EWD (drapers), 127HS & 5HS 1936-68. GRD lived above 127HS, north side, then in 1968 GRD moved from 127HS to 5HS.
1968 (T&M Register) Hubert Frank Dopson (occupier inc 1969)
1970 (CL) Barr (own) Geoffrey Raymond Dopson (occ) (GWD at 5H/S from 1968-1985)
1970 (T&M Register) Geoffrey Raymond Dopson (occupier)
1976 (CL) –do-
1977 (T&M Register) Henry William Barr & Althea Alice Mandaling Barr (owners)
1978 Dopson - outfitters
1983 (CL) –do-
1984 Geoffrey Raymond Dopson
1985 (*1) Geoffrey Dopson retired in March, after nearly 50 years.
1985 (CL) Void
1986 (*4) Mrs Myra Dods, (nee Barr) (own), running "Althea's Outfitters (north end), whilst Mark Graham Dodds running "Forget-me-not" – kitchen ware (south).
1990 (CL) Myra Eleanor Althea Dods
2000 (CL) Myra Eleanor Althea Dods
2005 (CL) Myra Eleanor Althea Dods
2008 (CL) Myra Eleanor Althea Dods
2011 (CL) Myra Eleanor Althea Dods
Mar 2013 Althea's Outfitters closed, three shop properties rearranged into north, middle and south shops:
Apr 2013 Vacant
Apr 2013 "Hungerford Haberdashery" (replacing Althea's)
Apr 2013 "M G Dods", white goods, kitchen electricals etc.
*1 = Mr. Geoffrey Dopson
*2 = Photograph: Visit by George V 10.1912
*3 = Mrs. Joan Macey
*4 = Mrs. Althea Barr
Notes from Norman Hidden's papers:
According to a town rental c. 1470 William Boucher held (a) one quarter burgage, late Richard Boucher, paying a quit rent of 2d. p. a.: (b) he held also three quarters of a burgage, an adjacent property, late Richard Boucher, paying a quit rent of 6d. p. a.; (c) in addition William Boucher held a further property immediately north of the three quarter burgage. This is described as "part of a burgage", late Walter Wygmore, previously Galfride Fode, at a quit rent of 5d. p.a.
The first two of these properties (a & b) seem clearly to have had a common origin as a single burgage, which had become divided into a larger and a smaller house.
William Bocher, as the name was frequently spelt, and Richard Bocher were well-to-do local citizens. They were father and son, both being mentioned in 1449 (Windsor XV 31.57). Richard Bocher was alive and active locally in 1422; last mention of him occurs in 1454 (Berks R.O H/R Ta 27). Walter Wygmore was alive and active in 1431 (DL. Compotus) and also in 1454. (H/Rta 26). It looks as though William Bocher acquired properties (a) and (b) by inheritance from his father Richard, and property (c) by purchase from Walter Wygmore. Geoffrey (Galfridus) Fode was alive in 1367; he probably was dead by 1390 (H/R Ta 37) when a deed of grant refers to him in the past tense; in the same document the main messuage granted is described as situated between the messuage of Richard Fode and Roger Boucher, a description which brings it within suspicion of being related to the three properties (a), (b), and (c) above.
In 1552 when the next town survey took place these three properties are held as follows: (a) Thomas Clidesdale is holding 1 tenement late in the tenure of Richard Ogden and now in the tenure of Thomas Oonnyans (quit rent 4d); (b) immediately south of this Thomas Hodden (almost certainly a scribal error for Hidden) holds a tenement late in the tenure of William Bouchier and now in the tenure of Thomas Clidesdale (quit rent 6d) ; (c) next follows "the same" Thomas Hodden or Heddon who holds another tenement called Wigmore's now in the tenure of Thomas Hede (?) [ ?Hedache? Hedon?l together with one acre of land in Middle Field (quit rent 5d.). The details of these three properties clearly correspond with those listed c.1470, despite a change in the quit rent of the first.
Although the ownership of the three related properties seems to have passed from the Boucher or Bocher family, they are likely to have descended by inheritance to the Clydesdale alias Heddon (Hidden) family. Thomas Clydesdale, a priest of the local chantry of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is named Thomas Clydesdale alias Bocher at his ordination in 1452 and it seems a Clydesdale family had developed as an offspring of the Bochers. Within a generation or so the Clydesdales, having dropped their Bocher alias, acquired another – that of Hidden or Hedden as it was sometimes spelt, upon their acquisition c.1520 of the manor of Hidden and Eddington. From this date the names Hidden (Heddon) and Clydesdale became synonymous [See "The Hiddens of Hungerford,." Vol 1, pp 4 – 9 ] .
In or about 1558 Nicholas Passion, a clothier, who had recently come to Hungerford from Westbury in Wiltshire purchased from Thomas Clydesdale als Hedon "one messuage and one orchard with the appurtenances thereto adjoyninge and belonginge and also one acre of land and 1 lot of meadow grounds called the Crooks sett lyinge and being in Sanam fee" [= Sandon Fee] (PRO: C8/3/35)
The town survey of 1573 records Nicholas Passion at this same point in the survey as holding the freehold of 2 tenements with garden and orchard, together with 7½ acres of arable land scattered in plots in various fields, including Middlefield, and with a total quit rent of 3s 2d. This entry seems to cover the two tenements held by Thomas Clysdale alias Hedon in 1552; but there are considerable differences in the acreage and the quit rent, suggesting that some addition of land had taken place.
The property passed from Nicholas Passion on his death to his younger son Edward rather than to his eldest son John, and this was subject of legal dispute between the two brothers (C8/3/35). In 1591 Edward is shown as holding the property, which he has leased to Richard Passion (another brother, a weaver); and it is again described as 2 tenements, garden, orchard, and 7 ½ acres of land, quit rent 3s 2d. (DL42/17). When Edward died in 1599 he left the property in his will to his younger brother William: "two tenements now in the occupation of . . . Younge and Henry Hamman, wherein I was joint purchaser with my father." (PCC Will 1599)
In 1600 the Hocktide Court Book records a claim by Nicholas Passion, son of Nicholas Passion and brother of Edward, to a messuage and 8 acres of land in the tenure of Thomas Carpenter; his claim was accepted and he was duly entered as a freeholder. In the town surveys 1606-1609 (HM 6-8) two tenements at the same point in the survey as in 1573 are listed as leased by Nicholas Passion to Thomas Carpenter, with their "backs" and 7 acres of land, quit rent 3s. 4d.
In 1619 the property passed from the Passion family, having been sold to Thomas Noon als Pearse (Feet of Fine Berks 17 Jas I Hil) by Nicholas Passion and his wife Christiane. The property is described in the fine as 2 messuages, 2 gardens, and 10 acres of land with rights of common. The Hocktide Court at its next meeting in April 1620 confirmed the transaction.
[see also my notes on the Shorn Land (Town & Church Lands file) for an explanation of the difference in quit rent, with & without the lands.]
In 1646 the Hocktide Court reported Thomas Noone as having died. His will dated 5 November 1645 describes him as of Ham, Wilts. He owns a number of properties and he leaves his lands in Hungerford to Thomas Smith, one of his sons-in-law. (PCC? Will probate date to be checked). At the Hocktide Court meeting in 1647 Thomas Smith paid his entry dues for two messuages in Hungerford which he claimed by the will of Thomas Pearse als Noone. Smith soon disposed of this inheritance, by transfer to Nicholas Burch (HCB1649).
At this point the history of the site becomes uncertain. The Hocktide Court Book is unusually muddled during this period, CHECK confusing entries and deletions in 1648 and 1649 involving Noone, Smith, Burch and Mundy. The will of John Burch PCC 1639 states that he dwelt in a house whose 99 year old lease derived from Sir Edward Hungerford kt. One of his overseers was Thomas Pearse als Noone, "my kinsman". Nicholas Burch in his will describes his house as having been purchased from Anthony Fawler; and Fawler's house is shown in the town surveys of 1609 and 1573 as on the East side of the High Street. Burch was a beer brewer, the third generation of his family to have been such in Hungerford. He died in January 1656/7. The Hocktide Court book, however, records a transfer of property between Nicholas Burch and Thomas Robinson in 1659. Even allowing for the delay with which these transactions are usually burdened, this might suggest a younger Nicholas? (see also HCB entry 1660).
What does seem clear, however, is that in 1676 the town quit rent roll places Thomas Butler in the position previously occupied by Pearse als Noone at a quit rent of 1s 6d plus 1s.l0d for "the Shorne land". As far as is known, this is the first use of this phrase. The total of the two quit rents, however, paid by Thomas Butler amounts to 3s.4d. Thus both the position of the property in the quit rent roll of 1676 and the total quit rent then due corresponds with the entry in 1609, viz. 2 tenements and their backs [backside gardens] held in tenure by Thomas Carpenter of Nicholas Passion plus 7 acres of arable land, quit rent 3s 4d. The separate listing of the two tenements and the Shorne lands in the roll of 1676 suggests that these are now two distinct rents; and the subsequent references to the Shorne Lands show them in no way appertaining to the site of the two tenements, indeed the lands themselves become split into two or more smaller parcels.
After 1676 there is a further gap in the quit rent rolls of 77 years. I assume that the house property is that given Thomas Goodlake in the 1753 quit rent roll, quit rent 1s. The reduction of 6d in the quit rent may be because the building has become two houses — one at 1s and the other at 6d, but this theory needs to be checked.
1774 QR Thomas Goodlake deleted, George Church inserted.
1771 George Church by position on Commoners' List. 1775 17 Nov. Geo. Church insured with Royal Exchange Ass (vol 2 no.66575_) — see details for large insurance on goods.
1782 further insurance by George Church (vol 6 no. 83815). Is it the same building?
1795 QR George Church
1805 John Brown
1818 John Brown deleted, Richard Lye inserted;
1819 Enclosure Award map — marked Browne;
1832 and 1836 Richard Lye
c.1930 Mrs Tyler
No. 5 today consists of a long-fronted building with a single roof line and a single chimney which protrudes from the centre of the roof. Its front has been completely stuccoed; but the south gable end, along the passage or alley leading to the spacious rear garden or yard, shows a brick construction patterned with flint stone. At both north and south gable end a rear extension has been added later. c.1990 Dopson drapers occupied the building. Since then the building has been divided into 3 shops.
Descent of Clydesdale's Farleys Lands:
1650 Nicholas Burch (twice) in list of freeholders
1650 Thomas Smith in list of freeholders
1656 N. Burch the elder bequeaths his tenement to his son John and lands appertaining purchased from Anthony Fowler
1659 N. Burch the elder sells lands to Thomas Robinson
1660 N. Burch the elder sells lands to Thomas King
1660 Thomas Smith in list of freeholders
1672 Thomas Smith
1672 Thomas Kinge
1672 Thomas Robinson – Thomas Hunter (or Gunter?)
1674 Thomas Robinson sells to Thomas Gunter esq.
1680 Thomas Kinge
1680 Thomas Robinson junior
1680 Thomas Robinson senior