You are in [Places] [High Street Properties] [128 High Street]
[-->127 High Street] [-->129 High Street]
Earliest information: 1470
Original estate: Hungerford
Common Rights? Yes (Frontage 23ft; 2 horses or 4 cows)
Date of current building: ?Early 19th century
Listed: Yes
Thumbnail History:
Crooke -> Tukhill -> Harby -> Lovelake -> Fowler -> Williams -> Goddard -> Cannon -> Aspinell -> Loder Smith -> Matthews -> Chemist (Keen Crook Telfer Waddington) -> Astley (let to Dr Dickson et al) -> Hungerford Rural District Council -> Hungerford Wine Co -> Various retail and office uses
Description of property:
From Listed Building records: House, now shop. Early 19th century. Slate roof moulded timber eaves cornice, frieze and cornice at first floor, stucco lined out and painted. Three storeys and cellar. Three glazing bar sashes, the centre blocked on second floor, ground floor has three closely spaced sashes and door to right with flanking pilasters plain rectangular fanlight and three stone steps.
Photo Gallery:
![19120000ca 130hs]( 130hs.jpg)
- JW Waddington, Chemist, and dental surgery, 130 High Street, c1912. (Kindly sent by Louise Stanley, Nov 2016)
![19120000ca miss winifred waddington]( miss winifred waddington.jpg)
Miss Winifred Waddington, c1912. (Kindly sent by Louise Stanley, Nov 2016)
- Lower High Street, c1907.
- JW Waddington, Chemist, and dental surgery, 130 High Street, c.1912. (Kindly sent by Louise, Nov 2016).
- Miss Winifred Waddington, c1912. (Kindly sent by Louise, November 2016).
- 128 High Street (showing 130 and 129 High Street), December 1978.
- The Hungerford Wine Company, December 1978.
- Arosa Body Clinic, opened 1990.
- Dunbar's Delicatessen opened October 2006.
- Dunbar's Delicatessen, January 2008.
- Hungerford Kebab House, March 2010.
- Advert for Hungerford Kebab House, March 2011.
<1470 (NH) John Crooke
1470 (NH) By position: John Tukhill – ½ burgage late John Crookes q.r. 4d
1552 (NH) By position: Joanna Harby – 1 tenement and garden in tenure of John Togy q.r. 4d
John Fowler (Fawler or Faller), 1565-1591:
1565 (NH) [Wilts CRO 110/16] Sold by Thomas Lovelake to John Fowler of Chilton "all that void piece of ground whereupon a tenement was sometime standing and of late consumed with fire with an orchard adjoining, situate on the east side of the High Street between land of Sir Walter Hungerford Kt on north and south, and extending to the Everlong on the east, which void piece of ground was late in the tenure of Richard Mountaine, butcher, and also for several ½ acres of land". These ½ acres are very exactly described and consist of ½ acre in Honey Furlong, ½ acre in Dilfield, ½ acre in Westbrook, and ½ acre above Payes Lynch. A later hand has written on the document "Crockford's tenement" and "Mrs Randoll". [The reference to the Everlong fixes the site as in the High Street between Cow Lane and the (later) canal]
1573 (NH) John Fowler of Chilton holds the tenement with garden and orchard and 2½ acres of arable land (2 half acres in Middle Field, 1 acre in Westbrook and ½ acre in Honey Furlong) quit rent 4d., and he has leased if for occupation by John White, the shoemaker.
21.5.1591 (NH) John Fawler of Chilton still holds the tenement and 2½ acres.
John Williams, 1591-1594:
30.6.1591 (NH) John Faller the elder of Chilton sold the property to John Williams of Shalbourne; it was then said to be occupied by William Davie (or Davis ) and Anne Lovelake, widow. [Wilts CRO 1064/23]
Thomas Goddard then others, 1594-c.1753:
1594 (NH) John Williams sold to Thomas Goddard gent, of Standen Hussey [Wilts CRO 1064/23]
1609 (NH) The tenement is occupied by Thomas Smith of Soley (in the parish of Chilton Foliat)
1676 (NH) [By position] The quit rent of 4d is due to be paid by Thomas Pluvate(?) [T. Plurate married Mary Gardiner 1670 (?widow, see Hearth Tax 1663).
Thomas Cannon, c.1753-c.1761:
1753-61 (QR) Thomas Cannon for his house, q.r. 4d.
Fanny Aspinell, c.1761-c.1810:
1774-80 ?Fanny Aspinell [amended to] Thomas ..?.. for his house, late Cannon's, q.r. 4d.
1781 (CL) Matthew Smith for house late Gleed's
15.6.1781 (NH) [Royal Exchange Assurance vol 6 Policy No. 80880] 3 tenements insured by Mathew Loder Smith, then in occupation of Wm Lord, Thos. Francis, Jn Brown respectively. Timber and thatch.
1792 (UD) M.L. Smith - surgeon
1795-04 (QR) Fanny Aspinel for house late Cannon's, q.r. 4d.
Matthew Loder Smith, c.1810-c.1834:
1805-17 (QR) Fanny Aspinel (amended to Matthew Loder Smith) for house late Cannon's, q.r. 4d.
1818-23 (QR) Matthew Loder Smith for house late Cannons, q.r. 4d.
1819 (EA) M.L. Smith.
1832 (QR) Matthew Loder Smith for house late Cannons, q.r. 4d.
John Matthews, c.1834-1847:
1836 (QR) John Matthews, for house late Matthew Loder Smith's, q.r. 4d.
- Matthews purchased from Loder Smith and may have been in partnership with J. M. and William Toms, for in 1847 a fiat of bankruptcy was made against them and the premises, part of the estate "of the late John Matthews" was sold to Benjamin Keen by the Falcon Brewery Co, and Thomas Viner of Hungerford, hop merchant, as Matthew's assignees. The premises in the indenture in 1847 are said to have been purchased by Matthews from Loder Smith, and consisted at that time as a messuage or tenement which has since been pulled down and one erected on the site thereof [DELm/T7].
Chemist & Dentists - Keen -> Crook -> Telfer -> Waddington, 1844-c.1914:
1844 (PD) Benjamin Keen - chemist.
1847 (CL) Assignees of John Matthews – void of occupant.
c.1847 Sold to Benjamin Keen. Matthews was bankrupt in or before 1847.
1847 (NH) [B.R.O: D/ELmT7 ]Henry Strong of Falcon Brewery Company, Holland Street, Blackfriars Road, Surrey and Thomas Viner of Hungerford hop merchant assignees of the estate and effects of the late John Matthews under a fiat of bankruptcy against John Matthews and William Toms. Indenture, Strong and Viner to Benjamin Keen of Hungerford chemist and druggist. Premises: one messuage or tenement which has since been pulled down and one erected on the site thereof. [Note: this must be the J. Matthews builder formerly Pearse (?) shown in Map D/ELmP5]. These premises were purchased by J. Matthews from M.L. Smith on the East side of the High Street, bounded on the west by the High Street; on the south by a messuage, dwelling house and garden formerly belonging to Mrs Elizabeth Hilary widow, but now belonging to and in the occupation of G. Earle ironmonger; on the east by a parcel of meadow*; and on the north by a messuage and garden and pres (?) formerly belonging to Mr John Brown and now to Mr John Platt and in the occupation of — Brooks, brewer. [* a parcel of meadow 2 rods 21 perches bounded on the west by the garden and premises above described, on the south by a garden and premises formerly belonging to J. Brown etc., in the east by an allotment of meadow land, stables and buildings [= 1 rod 32 perches in Everland] and in part by a meadow formerly belonging to J. Matthews etc and in occupation of Mr. H.E. Astley. [detailed location of bounds given]
1847 (PO) Benjamin Keen - chemist.
1851 (CS) Benjamin Keen (44), chemist.
1858 (DD of 129 HS) Benjamin Keen, brewer, died 1.8.1858. His Will (dated 19.6.1858) left 128 HS to daughters Anne Seabrook (of Grays, Essex) and Clara Cottrell (of Ealing).
1861 (CL) Mrs. Keen (owner); Charles Crook (occupant)
1861 (CS) Charles Crook (31) - chemist.
1863 (Mrs. B. Hope (nee Astley)) Widow of Benjamin Keen (chemist and dentist) married Henry Ed. Astley
1864 (BD) Charles Crook (31) - chemist.
1869 (PO) Charles Crook
1871 (CS) Charles Crook (40)
1881 (CS) Henry V. Telfer (40) - chemist & dentist.
1891 (KD) John William Waddington - chemist & dentist HS.
1896 (CL) Keen's Trustees (owners) – John William Waddington (occup)
1898: Advert for Mr Waddington, dentist, Marlborough Times, 11 June 1898.
Louise emailed (Nov 2016) to add further information: John William Waddington was my Great Grand-father. He and his wife and two daughters lived at 128 High Sreet. JW Waddington died in 1914, His brother-in-law was Henry Vaughan Telfer who had the shop before him, JW Waddington's son-in-law was Sidney Allright. Also related to Allright and Waddington was Henry Fearnley Taylor (Chemist at 3 & 3a Bridge Street) and Oliver Brown (of Hungerford Newtown).
1902 (T&M Register) Henry D'Oyley Wolvey Astley (owner)
1903 (T&M Register) Walter Dickson (occupier until ?1915)
1903 (KD) Dr. Walter Dickson.
1914 (CL) Henry d'Oyley Astley (owner) - Dr. Walter Dickson (occup)
1916 Robert Blake James (occupier until ?1918; void 1920-23)
1920 (KD) Dr. Dickson - Coroner, M.O., and Constable.
1924 (T&M Register) Hugh Carswell (occupier until ?1927)
1928 (T&M Register) George Raynall Vernon Jefferys (occupier until ?1930)
1930+ (QR) Astley / Hewett.
1931 (T&M Register) George Phillip Hewett (occupier until ?1933)
c.1932 (QR #13) H.D'O.W. Astley Esq. (Hewett), for "House formerly Mr. M. L. Smith's late John Matthews then Benjamin Keen", q.r. 4d.
1934 (T&M register) William Stephenson Raine (occupier until ?1944; void 1945)
Undated (T&M Register) Executors of Henry D'Oyley Wolvey Astley (owner)
1939 (Blacket's) Hungerford Rural District Council Offices (G.P. Hewett, clerk, W.S. Raine, surveyor)
- Berks County Council Sub-surveyor (H.S. Sharps)
1939 (KD) George P. Hewett - clerk & Rating Officer to RDC.
1947 (CL) Hungerford RDC (+ 2 flats).
1950 (DD of 129 HS) Barbara Hope and William Kenneth Talbot Hope, dental surgeon, sold to Hungerford RDC for £1,100 the land shown on the plan in pink.
1952 (CL) Hungerford RDC
1953 (DD of 129 HS) Hungerford RDC sold 128 HS to Oswald Harmon Smith for £1,600.
1955 (DD of 129 HS) Abstract of Title of Oswald Harmon Smith to 128 High Street. Relating to sale of plot of land at rear of 128 HS to Betty Munford at 129 HS.
1956 (CL) Void.
1963 (CL) Void.
<1968 (T&M Register) Oswald Harmon Smith (owner & occupier until 1972)
1968 (CL) Oswald Harmon Smith.
1970 (CL) Oswald Harmon Smith
1973 Hungerford RDC Town Council.
1973 (T&M Register) Richard C Jacobs (owner until 1976)
1976 (CL) Void (deleted) Richard Cyril Jacob
Hungerford Wine Company, c.1977-1989:
1977 (T&M Register) The Hungerford Wine Company (owner)
1977 (T&M Register) Richard Cyril Jacobs (owner & occupier until 1979)
1978? Grd flr: Hungerford Wine Co - Nicholas Davis.
- 1st flr: Division Data Device Corp'n.
- 2nd flr: Gardner Leader - solicitors.
1983 (CL) Void – Hungerford Wine
1984 (CL) Nicholas Peter Arcangelo Davies
1985 (CL) Nicholas Peter Arcangelo Davies
1989 Hungerford Wine Co moved office to Station yard premises – the shop was at 24HS.
Arosa Body Clinic, 1990-c.1993:
1990 Arosa Body Clinic opened
Gi-Gi Trading, 1993-2006:
1993 Gi-Gi Trading House (linen and household gifts)
2000 (CL) Void
2005 (CL) Void
Apr 2006 Gi-Gi Trading moved to 20 Bridge Street.
Dunbar's Delicatessen, 2006-2008:
Oct 2006 Dunbar's Delicatessen (Ashley Dunbar, son of George Dunbar, retired dentist from 2 Church Lane).
2008 Dunbar's Delicatessen (closed Summer 2009)
Hungerford Kebab House, 2010-present:
Mar 2010 Hungerford Kebab House opened.
2011 (CL) Void
2016 (CL) Void
Key to sources:
CL - Commoners' Lists
CS - Census
DD - Deeds and Documents
KD - Kelly's Directory
NH - Norman Hidden
PO - Post office Directory
QR - Quit Rent
UD - Universal Directory
See also:
- Advert for Mr Waddington, dentist, Marlborough Times, 11 June 1898.