You are in [Places] [High Street Properties]
The links below comprise extensive records of most High Street properties. Many records date back to c.1470. This is an incomplete survey, subject to ongoing correction and addition. The intention is to establish a full chronological record of the occupancy of each house listed. These records have no legal status. Many of the dates noted are "spot" dates taken from estate surveys, Quit Rent rolls, Commoners' Lists, Trade Directories, Enclosure Award, maps, or other sources and may not indicate arrival or departure of an occupier.
There will be errors and omissions in these notes. If you find errors or can add information on any of these items please
Photo Galleries:
Follow these links for for many more old photographs of the High Street:
- High Street Photo Gallery (North)
- High Street Photo Gallery (South).
The Market Place, 10th July 2022
West Side of High Street:
1 HS "North End" (Blue Cross & "Shine Down")
2 HS Late (Heart Song - Crystals, gemstones, trinkets and treasures)
3 & 4 HS (Tutti Pole Tea Shop)
5 HS (Vacant, Hungerford Haberdashery & M G Dods)
7 & 8 HS (WH Smith, Post Office Counters and Dragon Fog Vape and Mobile Shop)
9 & 9a HS (Hungerford Butchers and I.T. Repair Gurus)
1 Church Lane "Library Cottage"
10 HS (Gentleman's Barbers Shop)
16 HS "Queen Anne building" (Co-op)
17 HS (Gourmet Chinese Take-away)
Demolished for Railway Bridge (West)
19 HS "Kennet House" (Russell Marshall & Fare Wise Travel)
20-22 HS (Portman, Vision Express, Knight Frank)
24 HS (Hungerford Bookshop & Eliane)
25 HS (White Coco, Ladies Fashion)
32 HS Old Congregational manse
Congregational Chapel (now United Reform)
34 HS Residential & Hungerford Coin & Stamp Centre
35 HS Residential & Hungerford Coin & Stamp Centre
42 HS "Old National School" (DHC)
43-44 HS (Moonlight Indian & Mr Fry)
47-48 HS "Legends Barbershop" & vacant
East Side of High Street
Here is Salisbury Row
97-98 HS (Ellie Dickins Shoes)
103 HS (Below Stairs Antiques)
109-110 HS (Hungerford Printing Company and Marc Allen)
113 HS (The Plume of Feathers)
120 HS (Red Cross Charity & "F & Class Barber")
Demolished for Railway Bridge (East)
121-122 HS (Parsons & Inklings)
123-124 HS (Mio Fiore Italian Restaurant)
127 HS (Newbury Bldg Soc, Helping Hands, JenningsBet)
129 HS (Ashley Brow Bar, Hungerford Jewellers)
See also:
- High Street Photo Gallery (North), for many more old photographs of the High Street
- High Street Photo Gallery (South), for many more old photographs of the High Street
- A Brief Summary of Land and Property ownership in Medieval Hungerford
- High Street Properties (Inc Plans of Wilton House) [HHA Archive B32]