You are in [Places] [The Croft] [Croft Cottage]
This article is largely based on information kindly sent (Jul 2016) by Ross Wood, with help from Jack Williams, Robert James and Rita Offer.
The date of building is unclear at present, but owners and occupiers since 1886 have been researched by Ross Wood.
There was a small allottment behind the house, accessed by a gate at the rear of the garage (no longer present)
Photo Gallery:

The Croft, c1895. On the left is a tiled building clearly recognisable as the present-day Hungerford Club House. The thatched cottages beyond were demolished between 1911-29, and in the distance is Croft Cottage.

The Croft, c1895. On the left are the thatched cottages which were demolished between 1911-29, and behind the trees is Croft Cottage. Note the Victorian wall box on the out-building.
- The Croft, c1895. On the left is a tiled building clearly recognisable as the present-day Hungerford Club House. The thatched cottages beyond were demolished c.1900, and in the distance is Croft Cottage.
- The Croft, c1895. On the left are the thatched cottages which were demolished c.1900, and behind the trees is Croft Cottage. Note the Victorian wall box on the out-building.
- The cottages between Croft Cottage (1 The Croft) and the present-day Hungerford Club. These cottages were demolished between 1911 and 1929, said to have been following a fire.
Pre 1886: Date of original bulding unknown. Owned by Ecclesiastical Commissioners. (We do not yet know the earlier history).
1886 Sold by Ecclesiastical Commissioners to Mrs Mary Ann Hedges. 28 Oct 1886 (Conveyance) Between Ecclesiastical Commissioners (1st part) and Mrs Margaret Love, wife of Elisha Love of Hungerford (2nd part), and Mrs Mary Ann Hedges, wife of Matthew Hedges of Hungeford, carpenter (3rd part) for £120. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners had agreed to sell it to Margaret Love, but it was sold straight on to Mary Hedges. Mary Hedges borrowed the £120 from James Albert Smith of Kingston upon Hull, fishmonger (see below). The property is described as "now in the occupation of Matthew Hedges".
16 Nov 1905 (Memorandum) Mrs Mary Ann Hedges, wife of Matthew Hedges of Hungerford, carpenter, have deposited with James Albert Smith of Kingston upon Hull, fish merchant, the Deed of Conveyance dated 28 Oct 1886 between the Ecclesiastical Cmmissioners, Margaret Love, and Mary Hedges, the property in the Mall, as security for the payment to James Smith of £120 advanced by James Smith to me to enable me to pay the puchase money of the said property, with interest at 4%. (Witness was George Taylor, Accountant, Hungerford).
1911 Mary Hedges re-mortgaged the property (borrowing £120 from Francis Hedges in Folkestone, to repay James Smith):
- 13 Mar 1911 (Mortgage Indenture) Mrs Mary Ann Hedges, wife of Matthew Hedges of Hungerford, carpenter (the mortgagor) to Mr Francis Edward Hedges of Folkestone, fishmonger and poulter (the mortgagee). £120 paid to Matthew Hedges, at 5%. The west boundary is described at "Lower Church Street". On the east are "messuages the property of the GWR". The occupier at the time was Matthew Hedges, tenant.
- 15 Mar 1911 James Smith acknowledged full repayment of the £120 owing.
[Between 1911 and 1929: The cottages between Croft Cottage and the Hungerford Club building were demolished, possibly following a fire.]
1929 Sold by F E Hedges to A G Bartholomew: It seems the interest payments were never paid, and in 1929 F E Hedges decided to sell the property to recoup his loan. 29 Nov 1929 (Conveyance) Francis Edward Hedges sold (for £150) to Alfred Gough Bartholomew, cabinet maker. Property described as "all that messuage or dwellinghouse with the stable and outbuildings, yard and garden adjoining... the Mall..." The west boundary road is still called "Lower Church Street". The GWR land to the east is described as "whereon formerly stood cottages since pulled down".
1935 (JW) Mr & Mrs Wells, and their son Sidney, caretaker of Croft hall, previosuly landlord of the Borough Arms, High Street.
1950 (JW) Mr Richard "Dick" Bartholomew, funeral director in High Street.
1957 (DD) Alfred Gough Bartholomew died 18 Dec 1957.
1958 Inherited by Richard "Dick "Bartholomew: 29 May 1958. A G Bartholomew's will (of 96 High Street) of 1951 (and codicil1954), probate 24 Apr 1958 left this property to Richard "Dick" Bartholomew.
1963 Dick Bartholomew sold to Walter Woods: 14 Feb 1963 (Conveyance) Between Richard Bartholomew of 20 Market Place, Hungerford, the vendor and Walter Woods, of Newbury, the puchaser, for £1,475. (At this time the property was numbered 16 The Croft, and the road on the west as "Croft Road").
1965 Walter Woods sold to Geoffrey Savage: 10 Sep 1965 (Conveyance) Between Walter Woods, the vendor, and Geoffrey Savage of Tadley, the purchaser, for £2,450. (Still known as 16 The Croft).
1965 (JW) Mr Dunlop
1970 (JW) Mr Kantchen-Huggeson.
1988 Chris and Sally Martin (he was a builder).
1992 Mrs Patricia Helen Allardyce (her daughter Elaine Smith worked at the Hungerford Surgery)
1996 Rossi Wood, Insurance Broker, Reading, and Mrs Susan Keysell Wood, Medical Receptionist at Kintbury Surgery (died 2008). Renamed the cottage "Croft Cottage".
2003 Croft Cottage extended to include 4th bedroom/dressing room with ensuite bathroom and larger kitchen/dining area.
2011 Rossi and Mrs Eileen Jane Wood, Tutor Support at Newbury College.