You are in [Artefacts] [Church and Ecclesiastical] [Hungerford Effigy]
Two 14th century items from the previous Early English parish church are now displayed together in St. Lawrence's Church - the Hungerford Effigy (traditionally attributed to Sir Robert de Hungerford (died 1352)), and the Indulgence Tablet from the Chantry of Holy Trinity (which Sir Robert had founded in 1325).
Photo Gallery:

Plans for the Centenary changes, June 1914, showing the "tomb" on the north wall of the north chapel.
- Stone effigy traditionally ascribed to Sir Robert de Hungerford (died 1352).
- Plans for the Centenary changes, June 1914, showing the "tomb" on the north wall of the north chapel.
- Dr. Chris Carlon examining the effigy, February 2023.
The traditional history of the effigy:
The effigy is defaced and weather worn (at least partly as a result of lying in the open-air for many years!), and the lower legs and right arm are missing. The figure is crossed-legged, and the head rests on two cushions (the upper in a diagonal position). The right hand grasps the edge of the shield (an unusual gesture), and the long surcoat is worn open in the common v-fashion.
Local tradition has it that the effigy was that of Sir Robert de Hungerford, who founded the Chantry Chapel of the Holy Trinity in the south aisle of the Early English church, and that the effigy lay in the Chantry Chapel for about 460 years between c.1352 and 1814. When the Early English church was demolished in 1814, the effigy was said to have been put outside in the churchyard where it suffered badly from weather erosion. Only in 1881 was it returned inside the body of the church, and placed in the north aisle. When, in 1936, the Lady Chapel was created at the east end of the north aisle, the effigy was moved again.
There are no accompanying heraldic devices, inscriptions or documentary evidence surviving from the pre-1814 church to support definitive attribution, but the effigy has traditionally been identified as that of "Sir Robert de Hungerford, (d. 1352)".
Sir Robert died childless in 30th June 1352 in Hungerford and he was buried in his Chantry of the Holy Trinity in the south aisle of the church. He also gave land in memory of his first wife, Joan, to the Church of Hungerford and to other religious foundations. The indulgence tablet from the Chantry Chapel is displayed in St. Lawrence's Church, adjacent to the Hungerford effigy.
But was it earlier than Sir Robert's death in 1352?
However, two expert views have been expressed suggesting that the effigy is of a style that is earlier than 1352:
Dr Ellie Pridgeon (University of Leicester / Wiltshire Heritage Museum) kindly led us to a paper written by Mark Downing in "Military Effigies of England and Wales: Bedfordshire to Derbyshire, Vol 1, Shrewsbury", published in 2010, which cast some doubt on the attribution to Sir Robert de Hungerford. He suggests that the effigy may be of an earlier member of the Hungerford family - possibly Robert's father Walter.
The key element of doubt relates to the style of the monument itself, which has features more commonly associated with earlier effigies, dating to c.1300.
The usual mid-fourteenth century effigies (such as might be expected if it was of Sir Robert, dying 1352) comprised armour from what has been described as the age of superimposition. This might include layers of garments/defences on the body from inside outwards comprising: shirt, aketon (gambeson), haubergeon, coat-of-plates, coat armour.
Although the Hungerford figure is weathered and the greater part of his limbs has been lost, it is clear that the figure wears the long surcoat of an earlier period and there is no evidence of plate defences, which were commonplace by the mid 14th century.
It is postulated that the effigy might instead commemorate Sir Robert's father, Sir Walter (who appears to have died after 1308). Robert may himself have had another monument, only the inscription of which survives. It was not unusual for tombs to get muddled up during church rebuildings.
Cross-legged effigies of men in armour like that at Hungerford have commonly, but wrongly, been thought to commemorate crusaders. Most such figures date from the period between the second half of the thirteenth and the mid-fourteenth century, but the participation in crusades by the English military classes was waning by this time. Many knights commemorated by cross-legged effigies have been shown to have no connection whatsoever with crusading; the same is likely to be true of the man commemorated at Hungerford, whoever he was.
In January 2023, Brian and Moira Gittos contacted the Virtual Museum saying:
"We have been studying medieval churchyard monuments for many years and have recorded several thousand. The majority are horizontal cross slabs and upright grave markers but there are also some 240 carved effigies and we are currently in the process of converting a lecture we gave on this subject last September into an article for publication by The Ecclesiological Society.
The military effigy at Hungerford ticks many of the boxes for suitability as a monument which was originally set up in the churchyard. These include its robustness, lack of undercutting and its condition.
The effigy is also too early for the Sir Robert de Hungerford who died in 1352 and so there is no certainty about whom it may have commemorated.
There must be a strong possibility that it was brought into the church because somebody wanted it to be the Sir Robert de Hungerford whose burial in the church is known.
Given that the figure is wearing armour not found after c.1340, is on a coffin-shaped base slab (also unlikely after c.1340) and is sword-handling (a 13th century trait), he is not likely to be later than c.1330 and more likely to be earlier.
From the date of the effigy there is no relation between it and the Indulgence Tablet."
The current assessment:
These two experts both feel that the carving of the effigy is in a style that suggests a date of c.1300 (Mark Downing) or c.1300-1330 (Brian & Moira Gittos). Unless the effigy was created during Sir Robert de Hungerford's lifetime (which is highly unlikely), then there is considerable doubt that it represents Sir Robert.
The Gittos also were of the firm opinion that the style of the carving (the lack of undercutting and its general robustness) strongly suggest that this effigy was made to be on a tomb in the open air - in the churchyard rather than inside the church.
The effigy is heavily damaged (by whom and when?) and heavily weather-worn (over how many years?).
A geological assessment:
In an effort to try to resolve some of these questions, an expert geological assessment was kindly made by Dr Chris Carlon in February 2023. See Chris Carlon's reports, 2nd February and 19th February 2023.
"This “much mutilated” effigy appears to have suffered some degree of ‘weathering’ and a high degree of rounding of its original ‘sharp’ edges.
The rock type that it is carved from displays all the indications of a poorly sorted, coarse to medium grained, siliceous clastic sediment, with
individual grains displaying a moderate to high degree of roundedness. This would suggest that the coarse sand or grit that the rock is made up from was deposited in a fluvial environment.
However, the individual grains are cemented together with a silica or quartz cement which has made the rock very resistant to weathering. This translates into a surface where many of the grains are picked out but the silica cement ridges between the grains remains giving the surface a pox-marked appearance.
Close-up of the stone of the Hungerford Effigy
Testing this rock with acid produced only a slight carbonate effervescence which suggests that some carbonate is present. This might be the reason why the surface has suffered extensive weathering with many of the grains having been etched out by weak carbonic acid (rainwater) and the silica cement ‘polished’. This has happened post-defacement of the stonework.
I think this is still best described as a matrix supported, silica cemented and veined, medium-coarse grained, poorly sorted, sandstone. It could be locally sourced Lambeth Group sediment but this is hard to confirm."
Where has the effigy been during its life?
The more one investigates this splendid ancient effigy, the more confusing is its history!
The effigy is defaced (when and by whom?) and weather worn (over how many years?). The lower legs and right arm are missing.
14th century until c.1814:
Currently there are two alternative views about its early history:
- 1. It dates from Robert de Hungerford's death (1352) when it was part of his tomb in his Chantry Chapel of the Holy Trinity, and was there until the Early English church collapsed.
- 2. It dates from the late 13th or very early 14th century, and it was part of a tomb in the churchyard of the early English church for an unknown length of time until it was brought into the church by someone wanting it to be related to Sir Robert de Hungerford.
Might the effigy have suffered damage at the time of the Reformation?
Might the effigy have suffered damage at the time of the Civil War?
1816 - 1881:
It is thought that the effigy was in the churchyard at this time (but there are no records confirming this).
It is thought that the effigy was brought back into the church in 1881 as part of the church restoration and re-ordering at that date. However, the detailed Architects drawings of 1879 do not show where the effigy was to be placed.
In 1914, to celebrate the Centenary of the church, plans were made to "decorate" the church with a number of embelishments and changes. You can see correspondence about the scheme here. Architect's drawings from 1914 (in the Photo Gallery) show the "tomb" on the north wall of the North Chapel.
When the Lady Chapel was created in the north aisle (as a thank-offering for the Silver Jubilee of King George V (Faculty BRO D/P 71/6/13/9)) the church seating was reduced and the Effigy was re-located, probably in the north aisle, but further to the west.
In 2007 plans were made (and a Faculty, No. 6516, obtained) for the cleaning and restoration of the wall memorials in the church (at an estimated cost of £28,426). The work included the construction of a "tomb chest" (i.e. plinth) "to mount an effigy of a knight which currently rests on the floor". The concrete plinth was cast by Kevin Skeats of Hungerford for £700 +VAT. The initial work was carried out in 2007-2008 by Michael Eastham, conservator, of Steventon, Oxfordshire. Unfortunately, a major disagreement occurred, and the contract was cancelled mid-way through the work. The Indulgence Tablet had been conserved, and the plinth had been installed (£2,350 + VAT). Further work to adjust the tone of the inscribed lettering of the Indulgence Tablet was carried out following guidance by Prof Brian Kemp. The remainder of the work was carried out by Sue and Lawrence Kelland of Sharpham, Somerset.
See also:
- Indulgence Tablet from Chantry of Holy Trinity
- Parish Church of St. Lawrence
One further, but unlikely explanation: might it be of Sir Robert de la Beche?
Geoffrey (Roy) Morgan contacted the Virtual Museum (August 2012) saying: "I have recently been researching the mystery of the "Aldworth Giants" - a group of nine effigies in the Church of St Mary's at Aldworth and have produced a booklet on the subject.
The effigies are said to represent the De La Beche a fourteenth century family who were patrons of the church. I had noticed that some of the effigies of Knights were in cross-legged postures which were recognized as being 'identical' to the stone effigies set out in the Round to Temple Church London ... Knight Templar.
The Templar (around 1100) had uncovered treasure from beneath Temple Mount in Jerusalem and secreted it away in various locations known only to those Knights. The Templar mapped the locations by using the chessboard (which became their banner) and gave each location a chess piece to identify it. Those effigies of Knights with crossed legs (chess piece) are to be found on black squares.
At St. Mary's as well as the nine effigies within the church there was one (a copy of Sir Robert De La Beche - the White King) set in an external arched niche in the south wall. At some point during renovation work at St. Mary's that tenth effigy vanished.
I imagine the external effigy was placed as a form of 'posted note' which would have been understood by passing Templar (of the day), but that when the renovation work was done and the niche filled in there was no place for two "Sir Roberts".
In your "Virtual Museum" notes re Sir Robert de Hungerford, you state "There are no accompanying heraldic devices, inscriptions or documentary evidence surviving from the pre-1814 church to support definitive attribution, but the effigy has traditionally been identified as that of Sir Robert de Hungerford (d.1352)".
Attached are photographs of the "Hungerford" and the "Aldworth" effigies (the latter has recently been cleaned). All the Aldworth effigies show the same mutilated characteristics, and are the same style and size as, the Hungerford effigy. The Aldworth effigies date from around 1340 and are all Templar, something which is recognised in the 'Hungerford'.
It is my opinion that Sir Robert de Hungerford is actually Sir Robert De La Beche - although how and when he made the transition I have no idea."
Fred Bailey added (January 2015): "Sir Robert de Hungerford: In the previous issue of "Chain Mail" (issue 125 Winter 2014), there was an article by Roy Morgan questioning whether the effigy which resides in the North West Corner of St Lawrence's Church, is in fact the effigy of Sir Robert de Hungerford.
Roy believes that this may be the effigy of Sir Robert de la Beche, which disappeared from St Mary's Church at Aldworth many years ago when the Church was renovated, and was one of the Aldworth Giants, who were over seven feet tall.
When in 2007 it was decided to clean all of the monuments in St Lawrence's, the effigy was examined by the Conservator and also by Professor Brian Kemp of Reading University to establish the correct age of both the effigy and the Indulgence Tablet, which now resides on the North Wall above the effigy.
The Indulgence Tablet was dated as being carved in the mid 1320s because the form of Latin used in the inscription, was not used after about this date. This was 25 years before the death of Sir Robert in 1352.
The dating of the effigy was questioned by Dr Ellie Pridgeon in her article which appears on the Hungerford Virtual Museum Web site. This was due to the apparel which is still visible on the effigy and would date the statue considerably earlier than that worn at the time of his death in 1352. The reason for this could possibly be that the effigy was carved at the same time as the Tablet in the mid 1320s, when Sir Robert founded his Chantry Chapel dedicated to the Holy Trinity, which was located in the South aisle of the Church.
Roy Morgan believes that the Aldworth effigies were carved around the 1340s.
In spite of extensive research I cannot find when the stated renovation of St. Mary's took place, which means there is no date available to place the possible loss of Sir Robert de la Beche. As Roy Morgan states we can never be certain as to who the effigy is of, but my feeling is that Hungerford has the correct "Sir Robert."