You are in [Themes] [Reminiscences] [Oral History - Audio Archives] [George Eatwell, Marjorie Eatwell and Marjorie Cox with Pam Haseltine, 1992]
All three interviewees were lifelong Hungerford residents, and their memories contribute significantly to our knowledge of Hungerford in the early 20th century.
This page includes recordings of interviews Pam Haseltine as part of her research for "Reminiscences of Twentieth Century Hungerford", published in 1993.
This is Part 1 of 10:
- Born around 1914
- Changing pub names, and Church House
- High Street shops - Wyatt's, Batt's, Harris's, Parsons, Adnams, Alexanders, Gingell's, Wren,
Barnards, Bartholomew, James, London & Central Meat, Killick, Alright's,
Post Office, International, Pratt, Hawkins
This is Part 2 of 10:
- High Street shops - Bass, Cash & Co, Smith's, Banyard & Tyler, Bushnell
- Bridge Street - Wooldridge's, Low, Trigg, Batchelor, Free, Batt, Town Mill, Rumball's,
Freeman's, Chivers', Taylor's, Fruen, Clements
- Charnham Street - Stradling's garage, Bennett's, Sun, Gas works, Stares Fish & Chip shop,
Hibberd rag and bone (thatched), Jessett's bakery, Jessett's paper shop, Stradling's
cycle shop
This is Part 3 of 10:
- Charnham Street - Wesleyan chapel,
- Father was gas-lighter for 18 years
- Charnham Street - Withers, Red Lion, Unemployment Exchange (Mr Honeybone), Charlie
May's cycle shop, [1920s]
- Charnham Street - Methodist manse, Faulknor Square, fire station, Brooks (before Barnes)
Dr James (Tannery before) [Gibbons iron works - Cottrell's in Eddington]
- Bridge Street - International Stores, Caswell's forge, John o' Gaunt, Andrews, Barley Mow
This is Part 4 of 10:
- Bridge Street - Barley Mow, Beard's, Malthouse, Burrard's
- High Street - Astley's, College House (school -> lodgings), [National School in High Street],
Munford's Printing Works, Kerley dentist, Earle's Stores, Council Office, Bingham chemist,
Fish & chip / grocers, Manor House doctor's surgery (-> Norman's garage), Alexander's
Banks, Three Swans, Swan tap, Coker's butcher, dentist (on corner)
This is Part 5 of 10:
- High Street - Plume, Bodman's, Craven Arms (Chivers' sweet shop -> Alcock), Clifford's
shoe shop, Smith's barber, Neate's, [Hofland's Eddington Mill, Neates], Bell's House
[Kerley vet on west side], butcher's (104), Macklin's dairy, Con Wilkins', Miss Gosling's
sweet shop, Peachey dairy + flower shop (94), Borough Arms
- Main drainage and wells
This is Part 6 of 10:
- Keeping pigs and chickens
- Street lighting
- Roads before tarmac
- Dry summer and cold winters - freezing canal (Nurse Sherwood)
- Canal, water sports, carnival
- Whit Monday sports on Common, fairs in High Street and The Croft
- Cattle market in street and market Corn Exchange.
- Market in Wesleyan Chapel Church Street
This is Part 7 of 10:
- Sport
- Hibberd "rag and bone" man, ragman, muffin man
- Employment, delivery boys, harvest
- Allotments
- Hoops, tops, "five stones", "hop-scotch", cigarette cards
- Police and Special Constables
- Railway
This is Part 8 of 10:
- Town Clock - Clements stopped it chiming in night
- Fire bell
- Christian Endeavour (Miss Gosling), Girls' Friendly Society (Miss Franks)
- Three services on Sunday
- The Platt family
- Girls' Club, Girl Guides (Nicols)
- Local Defence Volunteers
- Fire Brigade
- Whist Drives in the Corn Exchange
- Events in Church House
- Cinema in Town Hall
- Children walking to school from surrounding village
This is Part 9 of 10:
- All-Age Council School, Wesleyan School, National School
- Eddington - an independent village
- Emily & Betty Winkworth, bakery and off-licence
- Churches and clergy
- Sunday School
- St. Saviour's Church
This is Part 10 of 10:
- Rev Tagg
- Rev Salt
- Marjorie Eatwell (nee Willis) - St John's Ambulance Superintendent
- Other Eatwells