You are in [Archives] [Constables' Accounts]

The Constables' Accounts are one of the most important primary sources of information on Hungerford in the 17th and 18th century. They include detailed records of the income and expenditure of the town, year by year.

The accounts available on-line, which cover the period 1658 - 1789, have been transcribed by Mrs Eileen Bunt, to whom the HHA is very grateful.

- Constables' Accounts, 1658-1679

- Constables' Accounts, 1680-1699

- Constables' Accounts, 1700-1736

- Constables' Accounts, 1737-1763

- Constables' Accounts, 1764-1789

One of the recurring entries through the Constables' Accounts is the "for his income" entries, apparently representing a fee (usually 2s 6d or 5s) paid by traders on their first admission to the town. They are therefore a useful source of information for when individuals first came to Hungerford.

- Constables' Accounts, 1658-1789, "for his income" entries

Photo Gallery:

1764 Constables Accounts
1764 Constables Accounts

1764 Constables' Accounts

- Part of the 1764 Constables' Accounts. The originals 1658-1789 are in the Berkshire Record Office (H/F Ac/1)

See also:

- Hocktide Court Book, 1583, 1656 and 1658

- Other transcribed original documents in the Archives