You are in [Places] [High Street Properties] [High Street (North) Photo Gallery]
Most photographs of the High Street buildings are included with the website page on each individual property.
However, a number of old photographs give more general views of the street, and a number are included on two Photo Gallery pages.
This page covers the northern end of the High Street, from the railway bridge to the canal bridge.
A second Photo Gallery covers the southern part of the High Street, from the railway bridge to Atherton Hill (seeHigh Street (South) Photo Gallery).
Photo Gallery:

John Fowler AA7 ploughing engine, c1990 (from Cathy Newton).
- Lower High Street, c.1875 [CDV vy WS Parry].
- Lower High Street looking north, from a carte-de-visite c.1890.
- Lower High Street, 1903.
- Lower High Street c.1907.
- Lower High Street, c.1910 [A Parsons] (SH).
- Lower High Street c.1910.
- Lower High Street from Canal Bridge, c.1912 (A Parsons).
- Lower High Street showing W.H. Smith, c.1912.
- Canal Side (1-5 High Street) [63] (from Muriel Cornwell).
- Lower High Street looking south, c.1951 [RA (Postcards) Ltd) (from Muriel Cornwell).
- Lower High Street towards canal (PM 25 May 1930) [Kingsway] (from Muriel Comwell).
- Laying drainage pipes under the pavement adjacent to the canal bridge.
- Lower High Street, postmarked 7th August 1936. [British manufacture. Real Photograph].
- Lower High Street in snow, undated c.1940s (Moya Dixon Collection).
- Lower High Street, postmarked 15 September 1948.
- Lower High Street c.1950 (Moya Dixon collection).
- Lower High Street, Easter 1953.
- The Lower High Street, c.1955.
- Lower High Street, c.1955.
- Crowd in lower High Street ? reason (Moya Dixon collection).
- Lower High Street 14th September 1959 (from Rex Smith).
- 18 -> 7 High Street, c.1986.
- Early Christmas decorations, c.1990.
- John Fowler AA7 ploughing engine, c.1990 (from Cathy Newton).
- High Street Enhancement, June 1997 [Ivor Speed].