You are in [Events] [First World War] [First World War Photo Gallery]
This extensive photo gallery contains about 85 images related to the First World War and Hungerford.
Photo Gallery:

180 Coy RASC (MT), probably on the Common in Jul 1915. It includes 333 soldiers (kindly given by Adrian Gilmore of Hungerford Arcade, May 2016).

180 Coy RASC (MT), probably on the Common in Jul 1915. It includes 333 soldiers (kindly given by Adrian Gilmore of Hungerford Arcade, May 2016).
Dedication of War Memorial, 24 Apr 1921 (A Parsons) (Newton Collection)
Dedication of War Memorial, 24 Apr 1921 (A Parsons) (Newton Collection)
Belsize truck in High Street, Mar 1915 "19" [J Templeman, Stoke-on-Tent] (from Moya Dixon).

"Farmer", The mascot of 731 Coy ASCMT [No 38], 7 Oct 1916. [A Parsons]
"Sgt Major's little girl, collected at Sports for Red Cross, 7 Oct 1916."

RTA at the Bear Corner, 14 Aug 1915. (See main article for more). (HLP)

Three Holt 75-hp caterpillar petrol tractors taking a rest outside The Bear Hotel, en route for Avonmouth. (For more on Holt tractors, see Roger Day's "The Western Kennet Valley in the Great War", p.61).

Mascot of 939 Company ASC MT. (Roger Day poiints out that this is wrongly titled - it should be "339 Coy". "57" [Albert Parsons]

On the reverse of this photograph is written "With fondest love to all, George".

180 Coy in The Croft, 27th March 1915 (with thanks to David Faulkner, Nov 2024)
- 180 Coy assembled in The Croft, 27th March 1915 (with thanks to David Faulkner, Nov 2024)
- Reverse of 180 Coy assembled in The Croft, 27th March 1915 (with thanks to David Faulkner, Nov 2024)
- 180 Coy, probably on the Common in Jul 1915, showing 333 soldiers (kindly given by Adrian Gilmore of Hungerford Arcade, May 2016).
-180 Company in High Street, Summer 1915.
- RASC (MT) Soldiers outside 34 High Street, c.1915.
- Belsize truck in High Street, March 1915 "19" [J Templeman, Stoke-on-Tent] (Moya Dixon collection).
- Church Parade, 15th March 1914 [A Parsons '101'].
- VAD Inspection at Denford Pak before the war, July 1914 (Moya Dixon collection).
- RTA at the Bear Corner, 14th August 1915. (See main article for more). (HLP)
- "Farmer", The mascot of 731 Coy ASCMT [No 38], 7th October 1916. [A Parsons].
- "Farmer", The mascot of 731 Coy ASCMT [No 38], 7th October 1916. [A Parsons]
"Sgt Major's little girl, collected at Sports for Red Cross, 7th October 1916."
- A fancy dress party on the Common, 1st World War. Undated.
- Dedication of War Memorial, 24th April 1921 (A Parsons) (Newton collection)
- Parade in Bridge Street, undated.
See also:
- War Memorial Dedication Service, 24 Apr 1921