You are in [Places] [Bridge Street Properties] [2 Bridge Street]
[-->1 Bridge Street] [-->3&3a Bridge Street]
Earliest information: 1744
Original estate: Priory of St. John
Common Rights? Yes (27 ft frontage; 2 horses or 4 cows)
Date of current building: 18th century
Grade II Listed
Thumbnail History:
All the properties on the "island" [1-5 Bridge Street] stand on land that was previously the Priory of St. John the Baptist, which had been established in 1232, and was dissolved by Henry VIII in 1547. In 1740 a new road incorporating two bridges was built for easier access to town from Charnham Street, replacing old road in front of Riverside House and through the ford across the River Dun (by Forge Cottage).
Dendrochronological investigation on this property was carried out in May 2010 by Tree-Ring Services. Four samples were taken from remnant timbers located within 2 Bridge Street. One sample provided a useful 149-year series which is dated to span 1384 to 1532 and this timber produces a felling date range of 1534-1557. It would be unwise to assign a construction date for this building on this single spot date without additional evidence. This timber dating may represent a felling for building construction around the dissolution of the Priory.
Quit rent 4d.
Pike -> ?Viner -> Gibbs / Matthews -> Dismore -> Coxhead -> Printers (Franklin 1841 -> New -> Munford) -> Fruen (China, glass, undertakers) -> Parsons (1932) -> Razey electrical -> 1980 Antiques -> Framemakers -> antiques -> Wedding Flower Gallery.
Description of property:
From Listed Building records: House now house and shop. 18th century. Tiled roof, painted rendered walls. T-plan, rear block at right angles to street and slightly higher. 2 storeys and attic, central square dormer, 2 glazing bar sashes, early 20th century shop windows and central door.
Photo Gallery:

The Rules of the Provident Union Building and Investment Society (enrolled 22 Jun 1846), printed by W Franklin

WG Razey's Electrical Shop in ?1950s. Bill Razey (on the right) bought the shop in 1933. On the left is Leslie Hawkins.

Section of oak from a redundant roof timber in 2 Bridge Street, showing 149-year series between 1384-1532. Please note that dendro-dating samples are normally thin samples like long pencils! (With thanks to Andy Moir - Tree-Ring Services)
- Wedding Flower Gallery, April 2010.
- The Rules of the Provident Union Building and Investment Society (enrolled 22nd June 1846), printed by W Franklin.
- Advert for M Franklin Parish Magazine, 1871.
- Ernest Munford's Printing Works, 2 Bridge Street c.1912. [Albert Parsons].
- Bridge Street c1914, with Mr Ernest Munford at the door of the Printing Works.
- WG Razey's Electrical Shop in ?1950s. Bill Razey (on the right) bought the shop in 1933. On the left is Leslie Hawkins.
- WG Razey's Electrical Shop in ?1950s.
- 2 Bridge Street, March 2007.
- Wedding Flower Gallery opened 24th October 2009.
- Section of oak from a redundant roof timber in 2 Bridge Street, showing 149-year series between 1384-1532. Please note that dendro-dating samples are normally thin samples like long pencils! (With thanks to Andy Moir - Tree-Ring Services).
Priory of St John (1232-1547):
1232: Priory of St. John the Baptist built on the "island".
1547: Priory of St. John dissolved by Henry VIII
Possible date of re-building c1547-1557:
Dendro-dating (in 25 May 2010) of oak timbers carried out by Andy Moir, of Tree-Ring Services showed one timber included growth rings dated 1384-1532, and was felled between 1534 and 1557. This suggests the building may have been constructed when the Priory of St John was dissolved.
This part of Bridge Street built c1740:
1740: New road and two bridges built for easier access to town from Charnham Street, replacing the old road in front of the Tannery (stood to rear of Riverside house) and the ford (by Forge Cottage).
<1774: ..?.. Viner
1774-c1804: Richard Gibbs (staymaker) & Matthew Liddiard
1805-c1810: Edward Dismore
c1810-23: William Coxhead (grocer)
1832-c1836: Edward Dismore (owner)
Printer and booksellers c1840-1919:
1841-c1869: William Franklin (printer) (occupier)
1847: Edward Dismore (owner) William Franklin (occ)
1861: Daniel Allen (own); William Franklin (occ)
1861 (CS#2) William Franklin (62), Printer, bookseller.
1869-c1875: Mary Franklin (printer, bookseller, stationer) (see advert in Parish Magazine 1871)
1881-c1903: Alfred New (printer, employing 1 man, 2 boys, & 2 females)
1896: Devisees of Elizabeth Pearson (own); Alfred New (occupant)
1902 (T&M Register) Devisees of Daniel Allen (owner until 1968)
1903: Frank New (printer, bookseller)
1903 (T&M Register) Frank New (occupier until 1911)
1911 (July): Hungerford Printing Works: Rupert Mead
1912 (T&M Register) Rupert Mead (occupier) until 1913)
1913 (June) Hungerford Printing Works new owner – Mr E.W. Munford.
1914 (T&M Register) Devisees of Daniel Allen (own): Ernest William Munford (occ). Ernest Munford came to Hungerford Printing Works at 2 Bridge Street in 1912. He came from Huntingdonshire, and had been an apprentice printer in London. He met his wife (Elizabeth Davis), who came to Hungerford as the first Headmistress of Infants at the new All-Age Council School. Married 1919.
1919: Hungerford Printing Works moved to 129 High Street
China and Glass dealer, undertaker, 1920-c1932:
1920 (T&M Register) Thomas George Fruen (occupier until 1931)
1920; Tom Fruen & Son (china & glass dealers, undertakers). Tom Fruen's assistant was known as "Coffin Smith". Fruen's business was previously at 129 High St. i.e. an exchange! Follow this for more on Thomas Fruen.
Parsons, 1932-1934:
1932 (T&M Register) Leonard William Parsons (occupier until 1934)
Wireless, TV and electrical goods, 1935-1980:
1935 (T&M Register) William Razey (occupier until 1971)
1968 (T&M Register) William George Razey (owner until 1969)
Mr. & Mrs. William George Razey (wireless engineers). Mr Razey had been a corn merchant, but started making radio kits in his spare time. They bought it for £400. Alterations - dropped floor because of low timbered ceiling, and removed partition (wattle & daub) between old left room (living room) and right (workshop). Blocked up back entrance via No.1 Bridge Street. Garden went down to the river. Living quarters on first floor. Mrs. Razey used to do 120 visits daily collecting 2 volt accumulators for charging, and returning them after 2 hours (for 6d a time). T.V.s in Hungerford before WW2 (and before U.S.A.). They moved to live at Priory Road in 1945.
See: Advert for W G Razey, 2 Bridge Street, May 1954.
1970 (T&M Register) Eric Charles Liddiard (owner)
1970: Razeys sold business to Mr. & Mrs. Roger Sandford and Mr. & Mrs. Stevens (electrical goods & repairs). There was competition amongst electrical shops at this time – Mr Mills' electrical shop (18 High Street) was bought by Sandford & Stephens in 1976. Also Andrews radio shop at 111 High Street.
1971 (T&M Register) Roger Howard Sandford & Gordon William Stevens (owners and occupiers until 1980)
1970-80: Roger Howard Sandford (trading as W.G. Razey, Electrics)
Antiques, 1980-1986:
1980: Sandfords sold to Derek McIntosh (antiques). Razey's business moved to 22 High Street in October 1980. Mrs. Razey continued to work at the business, in total for over 50 years.
1981 (T&M Register) Eric Charles Liddiard (occupier)
1982 (T&M Register) Michael Macklin (occupier) (surely 1992? - HLP)
1984 (CL) Derek McIntosh
1985 (CL) Derek McIntosh
Picture framers and gallery, 1986-2009:
1986: Michael & Edna Macklin ("Framemakers"- picture framers & gallery)
1988 Framemakers "Picture framing and specialists in limited edition prints, etchings, etc"..
1997: Framemakers moved to 13 High Street
2000 (CL) Rodney James
2005 (CL) Rodney James
Wedding Flower Gallery & Florist, 2009-present:
2009 Aug: George & Sarah Styles – (own & occ).
24.10.2009: Wedding Flower Gallery opened -
25.5.2010: Dendro-dating of oak timbers carried out by Andy Moir, of Tree-Ring Services. One timber included growth rings dated 1384-1532, and was felled between 1534 and 1557. This suggests the building may have been constructed when the Priory of St John was dissolved c1547.
2011 (CL) George Styles
2015 Sarah Styles Florist (and Wedding Gallery)