You are in [Places] [High Street Properties] [77 High Street]
[-->74-76 High Street] [-->78-81 High Street]
The history of ownership and occupation of the properties at the southern end of the east side of High Street (modern numbers 66-93) is very speculative.
Records are sketchy, and confusing. This page is the current "best attempt" to clarify the history of these properties, but much further work still needs to be done. It is possible that the historic boundaries do not match the modern ones.
Earliest information: 1819
Original estate: Hungerford Engleford
Common Rights? Yes (Frontage 48ft incl passage; 1 horse or 2 cows)
Date of current building: Early 19th century
Listed? No
Thumbnail History:
Beer retailer from before 1847, and still a public house.
Photo Gallery:
- Borough Arms, 77 High Street, February 2007.
- Borough Arms, 77 High Street, c.1920.
- Upper High Street, showing Borough Arms area, c.1960.
1819 (Enclosure Map): J. Burgess marked on map in this position
1842 (Pigot Directory): No entry for Burgess
1844 (Snare Directory): No entry for Burgess
(1844 (Pigot Directory): John Burgess at Stag's Head, Chilton)
1844 (Pigot Directory): No entry for Burgess
1847 (Kelly's Directory): The earliest record of beer retailing at this property is in the Kelly's Directory of 1847, when William Hobbs was recorded as beer retailing. His name appears in several directories and records over the next 20 years [Slaters 1850, Billings 1854, census 1861, Commoners List 1861, Billings 1864].
What is a beerhouse - what is a retailer of beer?:
In 1830, the first Beerhouse Act (1 Will. 4, c. 64) was passed, which created what are well known as beerhouses.
Under that Act licences were granted to sell beer on or off the premises, and one of the qualifications was that the applicant should be a resident occupier, but in this Act of 1830 no definition was given of a "beer retailer".
In 1834 an amending Act (4 & 5 Will. 4. c. 85) was passed, and in sect. 19 of that Act it was set out:
- "Whereas doubts are entertained as to what is a selling of beer or cider or perry by retail," be it enacted, "that every sale of any beer, or of any cider or perry, in any less quantity than four gallons and a half, shall be deemed and taken to be a selling by retail."
Thus, under that section of the 1834 Act, any person who sold beer in a smaller quantity than four and a half gallons was a beer retailer.
Timeline, cont'd:
1847 (CL) Messrs Owen & Spearing, Trustees of M & J Burgess (own); Thomas Winkworth (occ)
1847 Kelly Directory: William Hobbs , "Beer retailer, High Street"
1850 Berkshire Directory: William Hobbs, "retailer of beer".
1850 Slaters Directory: William Hobbs, Beer retailer, High Street
1851 Census: William Hobbs - brewer, labourer
1854 Billing Directory: William Hobbs, "Beer retailer, High Street"
1861 Kelly Directory: William Hobbs "Beer retailer, High Street"
1861 (CS) William Hobbs, brewer – Borough Arms - the first time the name "Borough Arms" is recorded.
1861 (CL) William Hobbs
1864 (BD) William Hobbs, beer retailer, HS
1869 (PO) Mrs. Mary Hobbs, beer retailer, HS.
1871 (CS) Mary Hobbs – innkeeper.
1876 (KD) Edwin Hobbs, beer retailer, HS
1881 (CS) Miss Edwina Hobbs (51 yrs), publican, Borough Arms, Miss Mary Ann Hobbs (41 yrs)
1891 (KD) Edwin Hobbs, beer and wine retailer, HS.
1896 (CL) H&G Simonds Ltd (own); Mary & Charlotte Hobbs (occ)
1900 (CD) Mrs M.A. Hobbs - "Borough Arms"
1902 (T&M Register) H & G Simonds Ltd (owners)
Simonds continued to own the Borough Arms until at least 1932. Landlords were
1903 (T&M Register) Joseph Andrews (occupier until ?1905)
1906 (T&M Register) Edgar Bursey Smith (occupier until 1907)
1908 (T&M Register)James Tubb (occupier until 1909)
1910 (T&M Register) Malcolm Roy Easterbrook (occupier until 1913)
1914 (T&M Register) George Andrew Wells (occupier until ?1935)
1914 (CL) H&G Simonds Ltd (own); George Andrew Wells (occ)
1915 (Kelly Dir) George Wells, "beer retailer, High Street".
c.1932 (QR #42) H.G. Simonds (Borough Arms) "Formerly house Revd J.C. Townsend", q.r. 4d.
1936 (T&M Register) Edward Cains (occupier until ?1938)
1939 (T&M Register) George Parker (occupier until ?1941)
1939 (Kelly & Blacket's) G.F. Parker, "Borough Arms" PH
1942 (T&M Register) Mrs E E Parker (occupier until ?1945)
1946 (T&M Register) William Parker (occupier until ?
1947 (CL) William Parker
1952 (CL) William Parker
1956 (CL) William Parker
Undated (T&M Register) Albert Parker (occupier)
1963 (CL) William George Holland
1965 (T&M Register) ..?.. Holland (occupier)
1968 (T&M Register) Courage Barclay & Simonds Ltd (owners until 1974)
1968 (T&M Register & CL) Alfred Thomas (occupier)
1969 (T&M Register) Joseph Metcalfe (occupier until 1975)
1970 (CL) Joseph Metcalfe
1975 (T&M Register) Courage Control Ltd (owners)
1976 (T&M Register) William Frederick Lawson & John Anthony Nooney (owners & occupiers until 1978)
1976 (CL) William Frederick Lawson (deleted) John Anthony Noony
1979 (T&M Register) William Lloyd Williams (owner & occupier)
1983 (CL) Peter Henry Bulger
1984 (CL) Peter Henry Bulger
1984 Name changed to "The Tuttiman"
1985 (CL) Charles Kennedy Hazell
1960s? "Dutch" Holland
1992-1995 Licencee: Peter and Sue Kelley
Dec 1995 Name changed back to "The Borough Arms". New sign unveiled by Joe Metcalfe.
1993 Georgina Banyard, licencee.
2000 (CL) Stephen Denny
2005 (CL) Tina Prendaville
2011 (CL) Tina Prendaville
2016 (CL) Darren Lambourn
2017 June - Sylvi Giuliani
2025 Feb: Licencees: Nicholas Lewington and Georgie "G" Caldwel