You are in [Places] [High Street Properties] [41 High Street]
[-->40 High Street] [-->42 High Street]
Earliest information: 1814
Original estate:
Common Rights? Yes (Frontage 29ft; 2 horses or 4 cows)
Date of current building:
Listed? No
Thumbnail History:
The schoolmaster's house for the National School from 1814. Clad in Bath Stone (see below).
Photo Gallery:

Children and soldiers wearing "hospital blues", which identifies them as soldiers recuperating from injury or illness, outside the VAD Hospital, cc1916.
- 41 High Street, February 2007.
- Children and soldiers wearing "hospital blues", which identifies them as soldiers recuperating from injury or illness, outside the VAD Hospital, c.1916.
1781 (CL) ?41: John Day
1807 (CL) ?41: John Day
National School Headmaster's House,1814-1910:
1814 National School established (see 42 High Street). 41 High Street was refurbished for the headmaster.
The building was clad in Bath stone, brought along the canal, which was fully open in 1810. It is clear that the stone had been sawn with a circular saw. David Pollard kindly contacted the Virtual Museum (Jul 2016) to say that the tint of the stone suggests to him that it came from the "Murhill Quarry in Winsley parish. The earliest mention of the stone sawmill is about 1835. It almost certainly dates from 1825-1857, probably after 1835.". See Tools and Trades History Society website - Digging Bath Stones with Saws.
1847 (CL) Churchwardens of Hungerford (own); Joseph Hoskins for National School
1851 (CS) Joseph Hoskyns (30), National Schoolmaster
1861 (CL) Churchwardens of Hungerford (own); "National School"
1867 (NH) (D/P 71) Schoolmaster's House adjoining National School on west side of High Street and extending to Back Lane on west, on north dwelling house owned by Mrs Townsend and occupied by Fred Rosier, on south dwelling house owned by George Rosier and occupied by him. [These correspond to nos. 40 and 43/44 – see Rosier]
1881 (CS [#58]): James Newhook (36), Certified teacher, born Yarmouth, Isle of Wight; Margaret Eliza Woodham (33), Certified teacher; James Lawrence Newhook (11m), son; Caroline M. Gibbs (13), general domestic servant.
1896 (CL) Churchwardens of Hungerford (own); James Newhook (occ)
1902 (T&M Register) Churchwardens of Hungeford (owners until 1975)
1903 (T&M Register) James Newhook (occupier until ?1932)
1914 (CL) Churchwardens of Hungerford (own); James Newhook (occ)
1932 (QR) Churchwardens (Newhook) "Formerly School and House formerly Trustees of National School"
1932 (T&M Register) Robert Douglas Newhook (occupier until ?1967)
1939 (Blacket's) R.D. Newhook, journalist and insurance
- Miss M.D. Newhook, private secretarial and music copying
1947-1963 (CL) Robert Douglas Newhook ("School House")
1968-1976 (CL) Void
1976 (T&M Register) E..?.. Cornwallis (owner)
Cameo House, Hairdressers, 1977-2016:
1977 Mrs King opened Cameo House - hairdressers
1977 (T&M Register) Francis Henry Simpson (owner)
1983 (CL) Francis Henry Simpson (Cameo House)
1984 (CL) Francis Henry Simson
1985 (CL) Francis Henry Simson
in 1993 Mrs Margaret King, hairdressers
- Mr G.H. Parsons, chiropodist
- Mr David Lloyd, osteopath
2000 (CL) Margaret Ann King
2005 (CL) Margaret Ann King
Aug 2007 Cameo House celebrated 30 years business.
2011 (CL) Margaret Ann King
2016 ?March: Cameo House closed.
April 2023: Planning application submitted to change from B1 to C3(a) (Residential).