You are in [Places] [High Street Properties] [20-22 High Street]
[-->19 High Street] [-->Town Hall and Corn Exchange]
Note that 20, 21, and 22 High Street were originally a single tenement, until divided into two c1850, and into three c1903.
Earliest information: c.1470
Original estate: ?Chantry of Blessed Virgin Mary
Common Rights? Yes (now assigned to 20 High St: Frontage 61ft; 2 horses or 4 cows)
Date of current building: ?1976
Listed? No
Thumbnail History:
Although probable ownership is known from c1470, the use of the building is known only from c1841, when Richard Killick rented the property and ran his grocer, draper and druggist store here.
c1896 Killick & Church moved down the road to 17 High Street, and Ernest Barnard opened a house furniture shop. From c1903, Ernest Bartholomew ran the cabinet maker, furniture shop, and funeral director here. In the early 1970s, all three properties were sold (allegedly for £250,000), and were demolished in 1972. The site stood vacant for several years before redevelopment in ?1976.
Description of property:
Modern (c.1976) red-brick set of three shops with offices above.
Photo Gallery:

20-22 High Street opened as Ramsbury Building Society, Hungerford Sports and WG Razey, c1980

20-22 High Street opened as Ramsbury Building Society, Hungerford Sports and WG Razey, c1980

E. Barnard, Stationer & Tobacconist, c1920. STanding outside the shop are possibly Bessie & Minnie Barnard
- 20-22 High Street, January 2007.
- Advert for R Killick & Co, Parish Magazine 1871.
- High Street, c1895 showing Frederick Barnard's fishmongers; Ernest Barnard's furniture store.
- 20-22 High Street, c.1902.
- E. Barnard, Stationer & Tobacconist, c.1920. STanding outside the shop are possibly Bessie & Minnie Barnard.
- 20-22 High Street, Hocktide c.1935.
- 20-22 High Street site, 1974.
- 20-22 High Street during re-development, c.1979.
- 20-22 High Street during re-development, c.1980.
- 20-22 High Street opened as Ramsbury Building Society, Hungerford Sports and W.G. Razey, c.1980.
- Vision Express, 13th April 2014.
1470 (NH) John Kesel(?) holds ¼ burgage late Thomas Bacon, formerly Christine Bacon, q.r. 2d.
1552 (NH) John Bacon holds 1 tenement with a piece of land, late belonging to the chantry of the B.V.M., late in tenure of William Carfylly and now in the tenure of Robert Turner, q.r. 4d.
1573 (NH) (T/5/6) John Legge – 1 tenement and backside +4 acres arable (2 in Pidden, 2 in Billefield), by indenture of John Bacon, q.r. 2d; and for the chantry piece 2d.
1588 (NH) (D/L4/30/16) (Yowle v. Bishop), deposition of George Bradford "one Legg, predecessor to the said Bishop for the messuage that Bishop now dwelleth in and the lands in Sanden Fee grounds his grist for 30 years ago at the mill".
1591 (NH) (T/S p.3) 1 tenement + 40 acres arable now in occupation of William Buishope(?) q.r.2d, +(T/S p.4) William Buishope 1 piece of ground containing ½ acre, q.r. 2d.
1606 (NH) (T/S p.6) John Bacon – 1 tenement and backside + 4 acres land as his freehold. Quit rent to the King 2d and for the chantry piece 2d.
1609 (NH) Thomas Bacon –1 tenement and backside + 4 acres land as his freehold. Quit rent to the King 2d and for the chantry piece 2d.
31 Jan 1579/80 (NH) William Bishop married Dorothy, daughter of John Legge.
1580 (NH) John Legge married Catherine Banner of Eddington, widow.
1551, 1564 – baptisms of children of John Legge
1605 D/S will of Catherine Legge, widow.
6 Feb 1593/4 Burial of Thomas Bacon
12 Apr 1608 Burial John Bacon.
1676 (NH) Isaac Field for his house q.r.2d.
1754 (NH) Late Atkins?
1773 (NH) Cundell? (physician – like Sherwood!)
1657 (NH) H.C.B. Thomas Bacon being deceased his release is paid by John Bacon his son which is 10s & 2d (1s 10d for land holding in Sanden Fee, and 2d for messuage?)
1673/4 (NH) John Bacon freesuitor 1672 -> Thomas Robinson (T/R junior freesuitor 1680)
1763/4 (NH) William Cheyney??
1774 (NH) Mr Frith for house lately Cockaynes (deleted Mr Cockayne for house lately Robert J...?..) q.r. 2s 1½d.
1781 (CL) Unclear- ??Wm. L… (??Lucas??)
1795 (NH) Rev Mr Frith for house lately (Mr Cockayne's deleted) Lucas superscribed. 2s 1½d
1805 (NH) Rev. Mr Frith for house late Lucas (add: John Pardue) 2s 1 ½ d
1818 (NH) John Purdue for house late Lucas, q.r. 2s 1 ½ d
1819 (EA) – corner site (High St, Church Lane) – marked "Frith"
1832 (NH) John Purdue for house late Lucas, q.r. 2s 1 ½ d
1841 (CS) Richard Killick (20), druggist
1847 (CL) John Early (owner); Richard Killick (occupier).
1851 (CS) Richard Killick (34), grocer, draper and druggist. [The property was probably formed into two shop units around this time?]
1861 (CL) Richard Killick (owner and occupier)
1861 (CS) Richard Killick (44), draper and grocer, employed 4 men, 3 women.
1871 (CS) Richard Killick , draper, grocer and druggist (see Parish Magazine advert).
1881 (CS) Richard Killick (64), grocer and druggist.
1891 (KD) Richard Killick, Chemist and druggist, High Street.
1895 (KD) Richard Killick, Chemist and druggist, High Street.
1896 (CL) Ernest Barnard (owner and ?occupier) (Killick & Church now at 17 High Street)
1902 (T&M Register) Ernest Barnard (owner until 1967)
1902-3 Approximate time when property re-fronted as three premises.
20 High Street:
1903 (KD) Ernest Barnard, house furnisher, High Street.
1906 (T&M Register) Alfred Gough Bartholomew (occupier)
1911 (KD) Alfred Gough Bartholomew, house furnisher.
1914 (CL) Ernest Barnard (owner); Alfred Gough James Bartholomew (occupier)
The Barnard family lived in Rossmore, Park Street. (See Blacket Directory, 1939)
c.1918 (Joan Macey) A.G. Bartholomew owned 20, 21, and 22 HS at end of WWI [may not be true – see 1932 QR].
1920 (KD) Alfred Gough Bartholomew, house furnisher.
1922-26 A.G. Bartholomew was Constable
1932 (QR) Ernest Barnard, for "house formerly Lucas's, afterward Purdue's, then John Early's".
1939 (Blacket's) A.G. Bartholomew & Son, furnishers and undertakers.
1947 (CL) Alfred Gough Bartholomew
1952 (CL) Richard Alfred Bartholomew [known as "Dick", son of A.G. Bartholomew] [cabinet maker, furniture shop, and funeral director. He lived in Park Street (now Firgrove Court flats, built c.1970 on the site of his house, Redcot no. 29 Park Street and the Bungalow). No-one ever lived in the shops above.
1956 (CL) Richard Alfred Bartholomew
1960-61 Dick Bartholomew was Constable
1963-70 (CL) Richard Alfred Bartholomew
1968 (T&M Register) Richard Alfred Bartholomew (owner until 1973; occupier until 1971)
1970s Sold all three properties for about £250,000.
1972 All three properties (20,21,22) pulled down. Site stood vacant (used as rough car park) for several years.
1974 (T&M Register) Masthead Investments Ltd (owner until 1977)
1976 (CL) Void
1977-78 New build - Ramsbury Building Society.
1978 (T&M Register) Ramsbury Building Society (owner)
1983 (CL) Alan Bartter – Ramsbury Building Society. [The Portman BS ancestor, the Provident Union, was founded in Ramsbury in 1846. Ramsbury BS opened in Ramsbury in 1955, remodelled 1971. It was merged with Western Counties BS in 1985, and then joined Portman in 1990 as part of Regency and West of England BS]
1984 (CL) Kenneth Culley
1985 (CL) Kenneth Culley
1990 Portman Building Society took over the Ramsbury BS.
2000 (CL) Diane McCormack
2005 (CL) Void
Aug 2007 Change to Nationwide Building Society
2011 (CL) Void
21 High Street:
1903 (KD) Miss Annie Barnard, Stationers, High Street
1911 (KD) Ernest Barnard, Stationer, High Street.
1920 (KD) Ernest Barnard, Stationer, High Street.
1939 (Blacket's) Ernest Barnard, tobacconist and library (Independent lending library)
Two Miss Barnards (Bessie and Minnie), tobacconists, toy shop and stationers. They passed it onto their nephew…
Douglas Barnard (and his wife). Still tobacconists, toy shop and stationers. All three Barnards lived in Rossmore, Park Street (with another sister!).
1972 All three properties (20,21,22) pulled down. Site stood vacant (used as rough car park) for several years.
During 1980 the Ramsbury Building Society new building was erected.
1980 Hungerford Sports
c.1985 Cannon Sports
c.1994 Unwins wine merchants
Dec. 2005 Unwins closed nationally.
2006 Rayners Opticians (moved from 121 HS)
Mar 2014 Vision Express opticians. See "Vision Express launch new store" - NWN 17 Apr 2014
22 High Street:
1903-1920 (KD) Frederick Barnard, fishmonger, High Street.
1939 (Blacket's) F. Barnard, fishmonger and greengrocer. Fred Barnard, batchelor, wet fish and fruit shop. Open fronted, smoker behind (found when building demolished – ask Robin Tubb?)
?date: Lady Fayre, ladies hairdresser (Mrs Norman, lived in 86 HS).
?date: John Taylor, greengrocer (also owned another greengrocers on site of Inklings!)
1972 All three properties (20,21,22) pulled down. Site stood vacant (used as rough car park) for several years.
During 1980 the Ramsbury Building Society new building was erected.
1980 W.G. Razey electrical (had moved from 2 Bridge Street), later moved to 5 The Cuttings. Roger Sandford retired 2006 (son and family ran the adjacent shop selling equipment for the disabled). Stuart Coombes running electrical shop (run by M&G Hardware from Oct 2009)
1996 Knight Frank, estate agents
Notes from Norman Hidden's papers:
H/RTb (Conveyances of properties of Hungerford from 16th century onwards to which Constable and Feoffees are not parties).
H/RTbl 5th September 1565 Bargain and Sale of £23. John Cheney of West Woodhey, esq. to Roger Lovelack of Hungerford, merchant. A corner messuage in High Street, Hungerford in occupancy of George, father of Roger Lovelack; 2 acres of meadow in Woodmershe Common, 9½ acres of arable (of which 7 lie in Middle-field, 1 "head acre" between Middlefield and the Pydden, 1 acre in the Breachfield and ½ acre in Everlang Field).
Witnesses.Edmund Becke, Nycollas Pashen, John Chamlyn, gent.
John Cheyney gives warrant against dower rights of his wife Dorothy and against 1 lease for term of years made to George Lovelake by John Wase. And also 1 other lease in reversion made by John Wase to Thomas Seyoior provided this indenture shall not extend to the extinguishment of a certain quit rent going forth and due to John Cheyney forth of a certain ground now in the tenure of Nicholas Passion of Hungerford, clothier.