You are in [Places] [Short's Farm]

Among Norman Hidden's papers was the following collection of notes on Short's Farm:

PRO: E318/672:
Denford als Shorts juxta Hungerford infra parish de Kintbury, Berks, parcel!, terr. et possessionem nuper prioratus sive hospitaiis Set. John Jerusalem in England. 1 messuage and certain land spectan cum suis pertin' ibm. domin' John Choke p. copiam Bol.... cur. Rent p.a. 206.

The Priory of St John of Jerusalem in England also had rents in Denford alias Shortes (see List of Lands of dissolved Religious Houses - Lists Supplement No 3). PRO E318/672 dated ..?.. describes this as "1 messuage and certain lands belonging to it" devised to John Choke by copy, annual rent 20d. This is clearly Shortes Farm, which was located on the boundary of Denford and Hidden, and to which there are various documentary references in later centuries (see esp Burdett papers, Wilts RO 1883/129). Its position is clearly marked on the edge of the 1814 map of the Chilton Lodge Estate. The farm has now been pulled down. As will be seen from the map, its location formed a small indentation into an otherwise straight boundary line along this north-east stretch. Short's Path was the path leading to the farm and formed the parish boundary for nearly two miles. About one mile north of Shorts is Templar Farm. The Knights Templar were the predecessors of the Knights of St John of Jerusalem, who acquired the Templars' property on the formers dissolution in ..?..

WRO: Burdett Papers No.1883/129:
1738: Shortes
Part of Avington manor, Kmtbury.
Lease William Jones esq to John Scammell of Shortes for 99 years on 3 lives (John Scammeil, John Stratton, Henry Langtord)

This indenture 3 January 1738 between William Jones of Ramsbury on the one part and John Scammell of Kintbury on the other. For £220, all that messuage or tenement, backside, orchard and garden, 3 closes of arable or pasture, commonly called Shortes, formerly in the tenure of William Miles and since of Robert Hobbs and now of John Scammell.

One of which said closes being the uppermost containing 14 acres and adjoining to a ground lying in the parish of Great Shefford, commonly known as Farley Heath on the northern part thereof. Another of the closes (6 acres), adjoineth to the said uppermost close on the southern part and to a coppice there of the said Wiliam Jones, called Norbins on the South East; the other of the said 3 Closes (4 acres) adjoining a coppice called Norbins on the South East part thereof and upon a ground formerly of Alexander Brown gent and now in the occupation of William James esq on the South part thereof and to certain grounds lying within the manor of North Hidden on the West thereof and all underwoods and hedgerows thereunto belonging.
And also sufficient way to John Scammell etc. from the said demised premises to another ground of William Jones called North Field to and from Radley Bottom.

John Scammell aged about 34.
John Stratton son of Richard and Mary Stratton of Inkpen aged about 4.
Richard Langford, son of Henry and Elizabeth Langford of Great Shefford aged about 19.

N.B. Indenture 1640 refers to exception of "lands in occupation of Robert Hobbs called Shortes". (Ref Wilts R0 1883/128 = deeds concerning Manor of Denford 1573-1698)

Parish Register: 28 January 1713/14 Buried William Hobbs of Shorts"