You are in [Places] [High Street Properties] [3&4 High Street]
[-->2 High Street] [-->5 High Street]
Earliest information: <1470
Original estate: estate: Chantry of Holy Trinity
Common Rights? Yes (for 3 High Street) (26 ft frontage; 1 horse or 2 cows)
Date of current building: 18th century
Listed? Grade II
Thumbnail History:
This history of this property is known from pre 1470. In the 19th century it was Edward Woodham's, the gunsmith, then home to the town crier, Edward Bushnell, who ran a coffee house here. It has been the Tutti Pole Tea Shop since 1981.
Description of property:
From Listed Building records: House, now house shop. 18th century with 20th century alterations. Tiled roof, brick walls with dentil eaves course. Two storeys. Two glazing bar sashes with exposed frames above 18th century bow shop window flanked by doors with cambered heads and glazing bar sash to right.
Photo Gallery:

Frederick Macklin outside 3&4 High Street (Kindly sent by Andrew Macey)
- 3&4 High Street, January 2007.
- Lower High Street, c.1912.
- Frederick Macklin outside 3&4 High Street (Kindly sent by Andrew Macey).
- Vanity Fair, 4 High Street, 1974.
- Vanity Fair cleaners and Roderick Anthony, c.1979.
- The Tutti Pole tea rooms, Augusy 1981.
- Tutti Pole Celebrates 25th Anniversary NWN 31st August 2006.
<1470 (NH) Belonging to the Holy Trinity Chantry
1547/8 (NH) A draft lease of the Holy Trinity chantry properties on dissolution in 1547 or 8 records a tenement let to Thomas Longe at 8 shillings p.a..
1552 (NH) Corresponding similar entry in the 1552 town survey.
8.11.1560 (NH) "A tenement of the Holy Trinity chantry" - in the occupation of Thomas Longe.
1573 (NH) Thomas Goddard, gent, q.r.6d; one tenement, garden and orchard held by James Gardiner for term of life.
1591 (NH) Thomas Goddard (owner), William Pittfoule (occupant) q.r. 6d.
1609 (NH) Thomas Goddard (owner), leased to Henry Winsor who sub-let it to Ingram Winkworth. q.r. 6d.
1676 (NH) (QR) John Jenkins, q.r. 6d. The 1654 will of Edward Jenkins, tailor, dated 1652 leaves a messuage to wife and sons John and Edward occupied by A. Hafford and L. Beneditch and also "the house I now live in" to my wife and son John half each to pay rent", overseers John Butler and Jonathan Read.
1716 (NH) In 1733 Edward Mullington purchased 1 house from Joseph Shipton (H.C.B.) and it may have been the tenement held by "the heir of Edward Mullington" (H.C.B. 1739) and later occupied 1753 by Ann Mullingan, widow.
1753 (NH) Ann Mullington (owner), q.r. 6d.
1768 (NH) (Berks Poll Book) Benjamin Bronsdon of Inglewood, freeholder in Hungerford, of messuage and lands occupied by Joseph Patey.
1774-80 (NH) Mrs. Brunsdon, "late Forty's", q.r. 6d.
1781 (CL) Widow Brunsdon
1805 (Mary Brunsdon deleted / Pettit deleted) George Pettit "for house late Forty's".
1807 (CL) Mary Pettit
1818 (QR) (George Pettit deleted) Edward Woodham late Forty's 6d.(S=3-4HS) and James Woodham late Butler's q.r. 6d. (N=1HS)
1819 (EA) Burgage plot un-named
1832 (QR) Edward Woodham late Forty's 6d (S=3-4HS) & James Woodham late Butler's (N -1HS). See Woodham family history notes in HHA Archives. Woodhams were in 1, 3, 30 , and 105 HS.
1836 (QR) Edward Woodham for house late Pettit's, q.r. 6d.
1841 (CS) Edward Woodham (50) gunsmith
1847 (CL) Edward Woodham (Owner and occupier)
1851 (CS) Edward Woodhams (sic!) (63), gunsmith and patten maker.
1861 (CL) Charles Woodham; Caleb Bailey (occ)
1861 (CS) Caleb Bailey (36), master baker.
c.1874 (Robin Tubb): (3) Edward Bushnell opened a coffee tavern ?1874, definitely by 1880. He lived previously at ?104 HS ["adjacent to "Below Stairs"] (1880 (Robin Tubb) Edward Bushnell was appointed Town Crier. [Follow this link for more on the Town Criers and Bellmen of Hungerford])
1881 (CS) "The Bridge": Samuel Hawkes (30), hairdresser and tobacconist. (No. 4). He was recorded in the 1877 KD as being in Bridge Street.
1891 (KD) Edward Bushnell, bill poster, town hall keeper and town crier, and coffee tavern, High Street.
1899 (Parish Magazine, September) "The premises lately occupied by Mr. Bushnell will, though the kindness of a friend, be shortly opened as the "Red Rose Coffee House". The origin of the title will be obvious to all Inhabitants of the Town which owes so much to the Duke of Lancaster and is so loyal to its old traditions. We hope that lads and youth of the town will find it a pleasant club through the long winter evenings. It will be placed under the care of Colour-Sergeant Barnes and his wife, who will do their best to make all welcome."
1906 (KD) Edward Bushnell, bill poster, town hall keeper and town crier.
1920 (KD) Edward Bushnell, bill poster, town hall keeper and town crier.
1891 (Directories) S. Hawkes, agent for Sutton & Co., carriers.
1895 (Directories) S. Hawkes, agent for Sutton & Co., carriers.
1895 Photograph: Samuel Hawkes, photographer, hairdresser and tobacconist.
1896 (CL) Sir William George Pearce; Alfred William Chubb (occ)
1902 (T&M Register) Sir William George Pearce (owner)
1903 (Directories) S. Hawkes, agent for Sutton & Co., carriers.
1903 (T&M Register) Collins (occupier)
1904 (T&M Register) Edward Bushnell (owner & occupier)
1914 (CS) Edward Bushnell
1920 (Directories) S. Hawkes, agent for Sutton & Co., carriers.
1921 (T&M Register) Herbert John Bushnell (owner & occupier)
1932 (CL) H.J. Bushnell "House formerly Forty's afterwards Edward Woodham and Daniel Walter".
1920's-50s Herbert Bushnell (wife= Charlotte ("Lottie") Sarah, nee Macklin – Aunt to Jean Tubb), Registrar of Births Marriages and Deaths. Local Relieving Officer. See photo in Photo Gallery of Frederick Macklin outside 3&4 High Street.
Undated (1922-1968) (T&M Register) John Henry Fisher (owner)
Bushnell probably sold to Althea Barr (nee Tyler). 1 house, 2 properties (ie 3 & 4 HS) 2 entrances, before 1950s.
W. Blake, saddlers. Moved ?1920 from Malthouse (15 BS). Used bow window
1935ish Lady Fair (?who. Daughter married Jeff Webb), hairdresser.
1939 (Blacket's) 3: H.J. Bushnell, Relieving Officer
4: The Bridge Parlour (Mrs M.M. Cadd, ladies' hairdresser)
After WWII Vanity Fair, dry cleaners. (No 4)
1947 (CL) Herbert John Bushnell
1952 (CL) Herbert John Bushnell
1956 (CL) Herbert John Bushnell
1963 (CL) Herbert John Bushnell
1968 (CL) Charlotte Sarah Bushnell
1968 (T&M Register) Charlotte Sarah Bushnell (occupier until 1970)
1968 (T&M Register) Henry William Barr (owner until 1976)
1970 (CL) Charlotte Sarah Bushnell
1971 (T&M Register) Void
1976 (CL) Void
1977 (T&M Register) H N S Barr & M Dodds (owners)
1978 (3) Vacant
(4) Vanity Fair Dry Cleaners
Tutti Pole, 1981- present:
1981 (Aug) - The Tutti Pole opened
1983 (CL) Barbara Mary Yvonne Barr (Tutti Pole)
1984 (CL) Barbara Mary Yvonne Barr
1985 (CL) Barbara Mary Yvonne Barr
1985 Owned by Barr family (Norman, Barbara, daughter Fiona and her husband Stephen Hobson. Empty. Being converted to join 3HS to make " The Tutti Pole Tea Shop". After the restoration, No. 4 became assigned to the residential flat on the first floor.
1990 (CL) Barbara Yvonne Barr [3 HS]
2000 (CL) Barbara Yvonne Barr
2005 (CL) Barbara Mary Yvonne Barr
Apr 2007 Barbara Barr appointed the first lady Constable of the Town & Manor of Hungerford.
2011 (CL) Barbara Yvonne Barr [3HS]