You are in [Places] [Other Local Farms and Estates] [Pennyquicks]


Property now pulled down. (West of Town Hall)

Listed: No.
Common Rights? Yes (Sanden Fee). (1 horses or 2 cows)


1902 (T&M Register) F W L Popham (owner)
Undated (T&M Register) Alfred Hussey (occupier)

Undated (T&M register) R A Chamberlain (occupier)

Sir Ernest Wills, Bart (owner)

1968 (T&M Register) Lt Col Sir Edward Wills (owner)

1976 (T&M Register) Lord Rootes (owner)

The Enclosure Award of 1819 gave the Commoners of Sanden Fee an area of arable land in Westbrooks of 21 acres, 2 rods, 24 poles to be thrown into Freeman's Marsh for the grazing of nags, and in 1974 the Charity was able to purchase about seven and a quarter acres in the south west corner of the Marsh from Lord Rootes on very advantageous terms. This piece of land had been parcel of the Littlecote Estate for centuries, but was not a great deal of use to Lord Rootes, owing to the breakup of the Littlecote Estate. A vital part of the bargain struck was the formal abandonment of all claim of right of common the land known as the Pennyquicks and the stream in it coming from the Old Spring, the site of a former hatchery. Its Commoners Rights were extinguished. "Rootes Meadow" was added to the Marsh.